Internet Freedom

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Internet Freedom, a project of the LM network

Internet Freedom is associated with the libertarian and anti-environmental LM network. It campaigned against regulation of web content. Internet Freedom was launched in 1996 in response to the Platform for Internet Control Selection. [1] It was originally called Get the Met Off the Net! - The Campaign for Internet Freedom and was an offshoot of Living Marxism ear;ly statements gave '' as a contact address.[2] Informinc was the company that published LM magazine.

Content was last loaded onto its website in 2006. [3] Its website promoted Spiked, which is part of the LM network. Staff include news editor Alan Docherty and Chris Ellison.


  • BCM Box 6237
  • London WC1N 3XX
  • United Kingdom
  • voicemail: +44 (0) 20 7681 1559
  • fax: +44 (0) 20 7681 1559
  • Press enquiries: +44 (0) 7956 129 518


  1. "PICS Rating Scheme - who needs it?", Internet Freedom website, accessed 6 Nov 2010
  2. Chris Ellison, 'The Net: 'I'm against censorship, but...', Living Marxism, No. 96 - December/January 1996/1997, p. 28.
  3. Homepage, Internet Freedom website, accessed 6 Nov 2010