Michael Makovsky

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Former defense department advisor Michael Makovsky is a prominent neoconservative[1] and an expert on neocon icon Winston Churchill. He is the younger brother of David Makovsky,[1] a senior WINEP fellow and former executive editor of pro-Likud Jerusalem Post.[2] Both brothers took up Israeli citizenship after finishing their education in the US.[3]He was part of Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith's intelligence shop, Office of Special Plans,[4] that manufactured the defective intelligence used to sell the invasion of Iraq.[5]

Role in the US War on Iraq

Makovsky served as a consultant to the controversial Pentagon office set up in the run-up to the Iraq War to find evidence of operational ties between al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein as a justification for the invasion.[1]

Ties with Israel



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jim Lobe, "Stirrings of a New Push for Military Option on Iran", IPS, 9 July 2010
  2. WINEP, "David Makovsky", Washington Institute for Near East Policy, accessed on 26 November 2010
  3. Jack Herman, "a whole new ballgame overseas", St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Missouri), 20 February 1989
  4. Justin Raimondo, "The Worms in the Apple", Antiwar.com, 18 September 2009
  5. Jim Lobe, Pentagon Office Home to Neo-Con Network, Antiwar.com, 7 August 2003
  6. Justin Raimondo, "The Worms in the Apple", Antiwar.com, 18 September 2009
  7. Claremont Institute, "2006 Lincoln Fellows", Claremont Institute, 28 June 2006, accessed on 26 November 2010