CSR Europe

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CSR Europe

CSR Europe claims to be “a non-profit organisation that promotes corporate social responsibility. Our mission is to help companies achieve profitability, sustainable growth and human progress by placing corporate social responsibility in the mainstream of business practice.” http://www.csreurope.org/

Objectives: • To help companies integrate CSR into the way they do business everyday. • To offer business managers learning, benchmarking, and capacity building opportunities. • To energise a broader stakeholder dialogue between businesses, European policy makers, governments, investors, social partners, civil society and academics. The National CSR Partner Organisations “The network of national partner organisations (NPOs) was created by CSR Europe to promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) at national level, and also to reflect the rich diversity of practices and experiences in different countries. The network, present throughout western Europe, and progressively in central and eastern Europe, constitutes a transnational business response to the European business and political agenda on CSR. The NPOs are independent CSR organisations, and together reach out to more than 1400 member companies.”

Belgium - Business and Society Belgium: Belgian Business Network for Corporate Social Responsibility http://www.businessandsociety.be/

Czech Republic - Business Leaders Forum – Czech Republic http://www.blf.cz Finland - Finnish Business & Society http://www.businessandsociety.net/

France - IMS - Entreprendre pour la Cité http://www.imsentreprendre.com/?page=http://www.imsentreprendre.com/ASP/CoteEntreprises/Adherents.asp Germany - Econsense - forum for sustainable development of German Business http://www.econsense.de/

Greece - The Hellenic Network for Corporate Social Responsibility http://www.csrhellas.gr/CSR_eng/homegr.html

Ireland - Business in the Community Ireland http://www.bitc.ie/ Italy – Sodalitas http://www.sodalitas.it/partner.php Netherlands - Samenleving & Bedrijf (Community & Business) www.samen.nl Norway - BBUs Nettverk for miljø og samfunnsansvar Green Business Network Norway http://www.gbnn.org/ Poland – Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu http://www.fob.org.pl/fob/index.jsp?place=Menu01&news_cat_id=124&layout=0 Scotland - Scottish Business in the Community http://www.sbcscot.com/ Slovakia - Slovak Business Leaders Forum http://www.blf.sk/ established under the administration of the Pontis Foundation http://www.pontisfoundation.sk/ Spain - Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad http://www.clubsostenibilidad.org/ Sweden – NyföretagarCentrum http://www.jobs-society.se/ Switzerland – Philias http://www.philias.org/ UK - Business in the Community http://www.bitc.org.uk/index.html Members include: ABB Accor Ahold Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena BASF BP BT Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations Caisse Nationale d'Erpagne Casino Citigroup Coca Cola Danone Dassault Systemes Deloitte Delta Café Dow EDF ENI Epson Euronext Fortis France Telecom Glaverbel Group 4 Securicor HP IBM Intel Intertek Intesa Johnson and Johnson KPMG La Poste Lloyds L'Oreal LVMH Manpower McDonalds Microsoft Nestle Nike Nordea Norsk Hydro Novozymes Orange P & G PWC Randstad Uitzendburo Shell Sony Starbucks STMicroelectronics Suez Swedish Jobs and Society Syngenta Telecom Italia Titan Total Toyota Unicredito Unilever Vodafone VW