Text 100 Ltd PRCA Yearbook 2004

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Text 100 Ltd


  • Michelle de Lange


Power Road Studios
1 14a Power Road
London W4 SPY
Telephone: 020 8996 4100
Fax: 020 8996 1200
Email: michelle.delange@text100.co.uk
Website: www.text100.com

Quality Assessment Achieved

  • Consultancy Management Standard

Business Commenced




Range of Services

Text 100 is arguably Europe’s leading public relations consultanc specialising in the technology sector. Text 100 UK is based in West London and has a team of individuals whose mission it is ‘to consistently provide PR counsel that creates maximum business value for all our stakeholders’. Our client list includes ARM Holdings, Barclays, GE Power Systems, IBM, Informatica, NTT Verio, Symbian, Peregrine Systems and many more. Text 100 has an extremely thorough understanding of information technology areas and issues, from enterprise software to semiconductors. Through its work, Text 100 has developed an enviable range of media and industry contacts. For our clients, we regularly achieve media coverage in the national, trade and vertical industry publications, including the Financial Times, The Times, Daily Telegraph, The Observer and Wall Street Journal Europe. Text 100 has offices in: London, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Amsterdam, Dublin, Munich, Stockholm, Copenhagen. New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Johannesburg, Singapore, Sydney, Auckland, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo and in the US in Rochester, Seattle, San Francisco, Boston and New York.

Fee Income

£1,800,001 - 1,900,000

Current Clients

* = client retained for more than three years
** = client retained for more than five years

Ad Hoc Clients


Partners / Directors

Holders of Public Office


Parent or Principal Company

Next Fifteen Communications Group plc

Subsidiary Companies

Text 100, Australia Text 100, China Text 100, Denmark Text 100, France Text 100, Germany Text 100, India Text 100, Ireland Text 100, Italy Text 100, Japan Text 100, Netherlands Text 100, New Zealand Text 100, Singapore Text 100, South Africa Text 100, Spain Text 100, Sweden Text 100, USA Context Analytics

Associate Companies


Overseas Owned Offices Within

Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peoples Republic of China, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA

International Affiliates Within

Finland, Korea, Taiwan

Other Addresses