Paul Anderson
Paul Anderson is on the advisory board of Democratiya. He also runs a weblog Gauche where he serves his "democratic socialism with a libertarian punch". He works at City University in London as programme director of the BA in Journalism and a Social Science. He was deputy editor of the European Nuclear Disarmament Journal 1984-87, reviews editor of Tribune 1986-91, editor of Tribune 1991-93 and deputy editor of the New Statesman 1993-96. After leaving the New Statesman he wrote (with Nyta Mann) Safety First: The Making of New Labour, published by Granta Books, and worked as a sub-editor on the Times Educational Supplement and the Guardian (where he still does shifts during vacations). He joined City Univerity in 2000 and is currently working on a history of the British left and the Soviet Union.[1]
He is a former member of the libertarian socialist group Solidarity.
In one of the posts on his weblog, Anderson takes "cretin-leftists" to task for complaining about Che Guevara's image being commodified:
- Guevara should be no one's hero. He was a Stalinist scumbag who played a major role in the creation of a police state in Cuba, and his political strategy of guerrilla warfare set the left in Latin America back two generations. OK, he was good-looking - but so were Oswald Mosley and Eva Braun.[2]
Contact, References and Resources
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