Halliburton: Links, contacts & resources
Revision as of 17:35, 5 April 2011 by Melissa Jones (talk | contribs)
Further Links
'The World According To Halliburton' http://motherjones.com/news/featurex/2003/28/we_455_01.html Uses flash mapping to identify Halliburton's 70 offshore offices, 12 tax havens, federal contracts and subsidies.
Devonport Disarmament Camp www.tridentploughshares.org Resource for those wanting to help rid the UK of nuclear Trident weapons systems.
Project Underground www.moles.org Campaigning against the oil and mining industries.
Counterpunch www.counterpunch.org Comprehensive US newsletter.
SourceWatch (formerly Disinfopedia http://www.sourcewatch.org/ 'The encyclopaedia of propaganda' – contains a section on Halliburton.