Yeshivat HaKotel

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Yeshivat HaKotel is a 'Hesder' Yeshiva located on occupied territory in East Jerusalem.

On service in the occupation forces

According to the HaKotel website:

There are three models of hesder yeshivot that accept overseas talmidim.
One model is the yeshiva which consists of two separate programs- one for Israelis and one for overseas talmidim.
A second model is where the yeshiva consists of just an Israeli program into which overseas talmidim are fully integrated.
Hakotel is unique in that it balances between these two models by integrating overseas talmidim with Israelis while offering them the additional shiurim and guidance generally offered to overseas talmidim in separate programs.[1]

On Israel

Hakotel believes that the miraculous events of the past hundred years are Hashem’s facilitation of the beginning of the geula process. The State of Israel with its flaws needs to be appreciated as the form Hashem has chosen to make that process a reality.
It is essential that the Jewish People (and Jewish people) respond by returning to Hashem which includes the strengthening of The State of Israel. This return may very well be the condition for the continuation of the geula process.[1]
