Felix Dennis

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Felix Dennis is the Chairman of Dennis Publishing. [1] He gave the Labour Party £166,666 in January and May 1999 and more than £5000 in 1997. [2] He is estimated to be worth £715 million. [3]

Dennis Publishing produces lifestyle magazines like Maxim and four of the seven top-selling computer magazines.

He was one of the defendants in the famous "Oz" obscenity trial in 1971. Apart from a huge mansion in Warwickshire, he owns several homes in the US, the West Indies and London. [4] He also owns 5 Rolls-Royces and a Bentley.


  1. ^ "From Wakeham to McCartney", The Guardian, 24 October 1999, http://www.guardian.co.uk/power300/Story/0,,201785,00.html
  2. ^ D. Cracknell, A. Alderson, M. Hall, "Meet Labour's Millionaires Club", 5 September 1999, The Daily Telegraph, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/htmlContent.jhtml?html=/archive/1999/09/05/nlab105.html
  3. ^ Terry Kirby, "Felix Dennis Retires to Spend More Time With His Trees", The Independent, 5 July 2007, http://news.independent.co.uk/media/article2278076.ece
  4. ^ Sean Coughlan, "From Parties to Poetry", BBC, 20 November 2006, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6157936.stm