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From Answers.com:
- Südzucker knows you can't get blood from a turnip, but it definitely knows you can get zucker (sugar) from a beet. Producing some 5 million tons of sugar a year, the company is one of the world's largest sugar producers. Südzucker and its partially owned affiliate, AGRANA, and subsidiaries, Raffinerie Tirlemontoise and Saint Louis Sucre, make frozen entrees and pizzas; bakery additives such as fruit concentrates, starch products, and sugar substitutes; and bioethanol. Southern German beet farmers control Südzucker's largest shareholder, Süddeutsche Zuckerrüben-Verwertungsgenossenschaft ("SZVG"), which holds 55% of all company shares.
- Chairman: Hans-Jörg Gebhard
- Chief Executive: Theo Spettmann
- Director, Finance and Accounting: Christoph Kirsch