Aurora Energy Resources

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Conducting a seismic survey near Formby.


  • Ian Roche - Managing director Aurora Petroleum. Panellist at May 2014 Shale Gas World conference discussion: 'What are the planning and environmental permitting considerations for operators?'

Directors/ Officers

       NICOLA PATRICIA HAMILTON, secretary, 17 Dec 2009-
       TRISTAN PAUL CUTLER, director, 31 May 2010-
       LAURENCE WILLIAM KINCH, director, 17 Dec 2009-
       KENNETH GEORGE MCHATTIE, director, 17 Dec 2009-
       IAN PATRICK ROCHE, director, 17 Dec 2009-
       MARGARET ELAINE FERGUS STODDART, director, 17 Dec 2009- 

Former executives and directors

  • Malcolm Gladwell - former Aurora MD, was consulted as part of the Royal Society's June 2012 report 'Shale gas extraction in the UK: a review of hydraulic fracturing'


