Geoff Cook

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Geoff Cook is the chief executive of Jersey Finance, the powerful lobbying arm of [[Jersey|the States of Jersey].


Cook is the ex-Head of Wealth Management for HSBC Bank, based in London, where he was responsible for the delivery of Financial Planning Services to the 10 million HSBC customers in the UK.[1]


In 2009 Cook told the Guardian newspaper that Jersey had 'helped lessen the impact of the credit crunch by ensuring cash is "sent upstream" to the City of London. He defended the island against its tax haven label:

"We are not a tax haven. We do not have banking secrecy, we are a cooperative transparent, well regulated centre. We are tested by outside organisations and we have been found not wanting. If anybody thinks otherwise let them name names, bring evidence and I will happily notify the authorities."



  1. Meet the team, Jersey Finance, accessed Dec 2011
  2. Nick Mathiason in St Helier, Jersey fears for a future without tax schemes, The Guardian, Monday 16 March 2009, acc 30 June 2012