Ernst Strasser

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Ernst Strasser, MEP

Ernst Strasser (born 29 April 1956, Grieskirchen) is an MEP for Austria from Österreichische Volkspartei since 2009.[1] He is a former Federal Ministry for the Interior (Innenminister) of Austria (2000-2004).


17.09.2009 / ... : Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union
14.07.2009 / ... : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
16.07.2009 / ... : Committee on Foreign Affairs
16.07.2009 / ... : Subcommittee on Security and Defence
16.07.2009 / ... : Committee on Petitions
16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean
16.09.2009 / 16.09.2009 : Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union
16.07.2009 / ... : Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation for relations with India

Record and Controversies

Declaration of Financial Interests

Professional Activities:

  • Member of the European Parliament
  • Executive Partner, CCE - Consulting GesmbH
  • Executive Director, BCD-GesmbH

Paid Functions or Activities:

  • Member of board, G4S Security Services AG
  • Member of board, Rail Holding AG[2]

Background of Conflicts

Lobby Gate Scandal

Strasser is involved in a corruption scheme devised by two Sunday Times journalists. According to Austrian news magazine Profil, the journalists introduced themselves as businesspeople from London and asked him to make changes in an EU bill concerning protection of investors, possibly in exchange for money.[3] On 4th February 2011, Strasser sent his fellow MEP Othmar Karas the draft prepared by the journalists. Karas rejected the draft without asking any questions.[4]

Strasser rejected the claims about the business deal and having talked to the businesspeople about a change in the bill. He stated that he never took money from the company.[5]

Record of Parliamentary Votes

Personal Information

Curriculum Vitae

  • Doctor of laws, Salzburg University (1981). Head of strategic planning, Umdasch, Amstetten (1990). Managing partner, cce-consulting (since 2005).
  • Regional business manager, Lower Austria section of the People's Party (1992-1998).
  • Municipal councillor in Grieskirchen (1983-1985). Member of the Lower Austria Regional Assembly (1993-2000); chair, regional assembly club of the Lower Austria section of the People's Party (1998-2000).
  • Federal Minister for Internal Affairs of the Republic of Austria (2000-2004).
  • President of the Lower Austria Aid Organisation (since 1998). President of the Austrian-Russian Friendship Society (since 2003).
  • Grand Cross of the Jordanian Order of Al Kawkab Al Urduni. Grand Cross of the Papal Order of St Gregory the Great. Grand Cross of the Order of Congress of the Republic of Colombia. Grand Gold Decoration with Ribbon for Services to the Republic of Austria.


Parlement européen
Bât. Altiero Spinelli
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel
+32 (0)2 28 45288
+32 (0)2 28 49288
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  1. European Parliament, MEP Directory: Ernst Strasser, accessed 15 March 2011.
  2. European Parliament, Erklärung der finanziellen Interessen der Mitglieder: Ernst Strasser, 13 January 2011, accessed 15 March 2011.
  3. Kurier, "Strasser ging falschen Lobbyisten auf den Leim, 12 March 2011, accessed 16 March 2011.
  4. Schmid, Ulla, "Ernst Strasser unter Korruptionsverdacht," Profil, 12 March 2011, accessed 16 March 2011.
  5. oe24, "Strasser- Affäre 
wird zu 
EU-Krimi," 12 March 2011, accessed 16 March 2011.