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Spin Profiles

An extensive collection of data on Think Tanks, Front Groups, PR Consultancies, 'Fake Persuaders', Living Marxism Links, Industry Friendly Experts, Neo-Con Lobbyists Etc. The profiles are a collaborative venture between SpinWatch, Lobbywatch and GM Watch.

This project parallels the Sourcewatch project run by our colleagues in PR Watch in the US.

This part of the site also includes:

Corporate related spin and PR


  • Middle East Watch: A special section of material on the organisations and groups involved in managing perceptions about the Middle East.

Power networks

  • Corporate Scotland: links to the think tanks and lobbyists pushing corporate interests in Scotland.
  • New Labour nexus: Links to New labour and other market friendly think tanks and influence peddlers in Britain.
  • Corporate Power in Britain: this section features material on the main corporate lobby groups in Britain and their interrelations.
  • EU lobbying: The EU lobbying scence and the attempts by the lobbying industry to resist regulation.
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