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[[Category:Lobbyists|Botting, Peter]][[Category:Sri Lanka|Botting, Peter]]
[[Category:Lobbyists|Botting, Peter]][[Category:Sri Lanka|Botting, Peter]][[Category:NOtoAV]]

Latest revision as of 08:05, 10 November 2017

Peter Botting is a lobbyist and political consultant. He also describes himself as a 'professional coach' and 'training consultant'.

Tim Montgomerie has described him as 'the genius political consultant Peter Botting'.



'Over 24 000 hours comms experience - working with SME and PLC businesses as well as politics. Key comms strategist to NO2AV including bringing the Labour Party into the campaign. [1]

  • worked with the then Sri Lankan Prime Minister on UN General Assembly "peace" speech
  • bringing the Labour Party onto the NO2AV campaign
  • 34 new MPs in British Parliament in 2010
  • over 100 of the 306 current Conservative MPs have been through my training
  • conception and organisation of the Human Trafficking Annual Media Awards
  • helping to secure the biggest swing in the country 14% – Cannock Chase - turning a 9127 Labour majority into a 3195 Conservative majority.
  • 59/72 parliamentary clients (2010) exceeded the 6% Conservative national swing [2]


Social media

Twitter: @peterbotting


  1. Influencing Westminster and Whitehall Speakers, GovKnow conference, 15 October 2013
  2. Winning Elections and Selections, Peter Botting website, accessed 29 January 2015