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[[ Christopher Whitehouse]] is the Managing Director of public affairs company the [[ Whitehouse Consultancy Ltd]].
Christopher Whitehouse is the Managing Director of public affairs company the [[ Whitehouse Consultancy]].
Whitehouse worked for 16 years in the Houses of Parliament for both MPs and Peers. He then set up a public affairs consultancy called the [[Government Relations Unit]] (GRU) with a sole partner, [[Nicholas Winterton]] MP, who he later bought out in 1998. The company changed its name to [[Good News Communications]]. Whitehouse, who became managing director of Good News, explained the reasoning behind the move: 'We provide valuable strategic advice. It is no longer appropriate for any acting Member of Parliament to be involved in a company of this kind'. <ref>  PR Week, Winterton leaves GRU, January 9, 1998 </ref>
Whitehouse worked for 16 years in the Houses of Parliament for both MPs and Peers. He formed [[Whitehouse Consultancy Ltd]] in 1996.
He is qualified with distinction in business studies and public administration, and claims to have a "solid track record of advising companies, trade associations and campaigning groups on strategies and tactics for influencing public policy in Westminster, Whitehall and Brussels." An experienced media performer he also regularly lectures on politics and public affairs.  
He is qualified with distinction in business studies and public administration, and claims to have a "solid track record of advising companies, trade associations and campaigning groups on strategies and tactics for influencing public policy in Westminster, Whitehall and Brussels." An experienced media performer he also regularly lectures on politics and public affairs.  
During his time in the House of Commons, he worked with members of All-Party Parliamentary Groups and Select Committees. Including  the He claims to have contacts with Government Ministers, Opposition Spokesmen, Special Advisers to Government Ministers and key backbenchers as well as Members of the European Parliament.  
During his time in the House of Commons, he worked with members of All-Party Parliamentary Groups and Select Committees. He claims to have contacts with Government Ministers, Opposition Spokesmen, Special Advisers to Government Ministers and key backbenchers as well as Members of the European Parliament.  
<ref> http://www.whitehouseconsulting.co.uk/aboutus.aspx#chris accessed 1 December 2007</ref>
<ref> http://www.whitehouseconsulting.co.uk/aboutus.aspx#chris accessed 1 December 2007</ref>

Revision as of 14:35, 17 March 2012

Christopher Whitehouse is the Managing Director of public affairs company the Whitehouse Consultancy.

Whitehouse worked for 16 years in the Houses of Parliament for both MPs and Peers. He then set up a public affairs consultancy called the Government Relations Unit (GRU) with a sole partner, Nicholas Winterton MP, who he later bought out in 1998. The company changed its name to Good News Communications. Whitehouse, who became managing director of Good News, explained the reasoning behind the move: 'We provide valuable strategic advice. It is no longer appropriate for any acting Member of Parliament to be involved in a company of this kind'. [1]

He is qualified with distinction in business studies and public administration, and claims to have a "solid track record of advising companies, trade associations and campaigning groups on strategies and tactics for influencing public policy in Westminster, Whitehall and Brussels." An experienced media performer he also regularly lectures on politics and public affairs.

During his time in the House of Commons, he worked with members of All-Party Parliamentary Groups and Select Committees. He claims to have contacts with Government Ministers, Opposition Spokesmen, Special Advisers to Government Ministers and key backbenchers as well as Members of the European Parliament. [2]


He is a Director of

He is also Clerk to the All-Party Parliamentary Media Group.

An adviser over many years to the British Olympic Association, Chris is currently Chair of the Liaison Organisation for Business Investors in the National Health Service LIFT Scheme (LIFT LOBI); and is a former Chief Executive of the Manufacturing and Construction Industries Alliance.

Health Service Finance

LIFT LOBI is the Liaison Organisation for Buriness Investors in Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) schemes; the representative body for private sector partners. The membership comprises 13 organisations with equity investments in over 90% of the LIFT ventures around the country.

Its acts as a forum for debate and decision-making for members on all issues relating to LIFT and represents the interests and consensus opinion of its members.

LIFT is a government-endorsed finance scheme based on long term joint ventures at national and local level to improve investment in primary and social care services in England. It reflects Government policy to use the private sector where feasible to increase healthcare investment.

Unlike Private Finance Initiative (PFI) deals, LIFT schemes are based on the local private public partnership joint venture companies called LIFTCo's owning and maintaining the new premises and leasing space to PCTs, General Practitioners (GPs) and other social care or voluntary sector tenants. [3]


  1. PR Week, Winterton leaves GRU, January 9, 1998
  2. http://www.whitehouseconsulting.co.uk/aboutus.aspx#chris accessed 1 December 2007
  3. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200506/cmselect/cmhealth/646/646we35.htm accessed 1 December 2007