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The Dansk Folkeparti (DF) or in English Danish People's Party is a right-wing anti-immigrant party in Denmark.[1]

From 2001 to 2011, Denmark was ruled by a minority conservative-liberal coalition, which depended on DF support. As a result, Denmark has some of the strictest asylum laws in Europe.[2]



External Resources


  1. Susi Meret, The Danish People's Party, the Italian Northern League and the Austrian Freedom Party in a Comparative Perspective: Party Ideology and Electoral Support, Aalborg : Institut for Historie, Internationale Studier og Samfundsforhold, Aalborg Universitet, 2010. (SPIRIT PhD Series; 25).
  2. Jan Olsen, People's Party out of favour, Scotland on Sunday, 11 September 2011.
  3. Peter Stanners, Newspaper challenges right wing leader on multiculturalism, Copenhagen Post, 9 August 2011.