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==Council Board==
===Council Board===
====Independent members====
====Independent members====

Revision as of 14:05, 25 August 2010

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The UK Public Affairs Council (UKPAC) is an organisation established in July 2010 with the aim of 'promoting independent regulation of the public affairs sector'.[1] UKPAC was formed by representatives from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), the Association of Professional Political Consultants (APPC) and the Public Relations Consultants Association (PRCA).


The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) 'sees UKPAC as an opportunity to create a meaningful register which distinguishes between those [lobbyists] who are ethical and transparent, and those who are not'.[2]

UKPAC definition of lobbying

"Lobbying means in a professional capacity, attempting to influence, or advising those who wish to influence, the UK Government, Parliament, the devolved legislatures or administrations, regional or local government or other public bodies on any matter within their competence. This covers members who spend all or a significant amount of their time (for example at least 20% of their professional working time) on lobbying activities. Members who do less than 20% may register at their discretion".[3]



Council Board

Independent members

Elizabeth France Chairman
Sir George Kidd
Roger Sands

Sir Philip Mawer Chair of the implementation group during the formation of UKPAC

Industry representatives

Francis Ingham of PRCA
Keith Johnston of CIPR
Gill Morris of APPC


UKPAC is funded by the three founding bodies.[4]

Membership register

Contact, Resources, Notes


Address: The Secretary
Willow House
Willow Place
Website: http://www.publicaffairscouncil.org.uk/



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