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'''Clifford D. May''' is the President of [[Foundation for the Defense of Democracies]] and a former senior managing director of [[Weber Shandwick]]. He is the Chairman of the [[Committee on the Present Danger]]'s Policy Committee and with [[Frank Gaffney]] a codirector for the [[Alliance for Research and National Security]]. He is also  a signatory to several [[Project for the New American Century]] letters and a former [[Republican National Committee]]  Director of Communications.
#redirect[[Clifford D. May]]
May was the Bureau Chief for the ''New York Times'' in Northern Ireland and West Africa , a senior editor for ''Geo'', and an associate editor for ''Newsweek''. He writes a weekly column that is nationally distributed by [[Scripps Howard News Service]] and he is a regular contributor for ''National Review Online'', CNN's ''American Morning'', and National Public Radio's ''Morning Edition''. In the late 1990s May edited ''Rising Tide'', the official magazine of the Republican Party.
*[[Alliance for Research and National Security]] - Co Director
*[[Committee on the Present Danger]] - Chairman of Policy Committee
*[[Council on Foreign Relations]]
*[[Foundation for the Defense of Democracies]] - President
*[[Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic Geopolitics]]
*[[Project for the New American Century]]
*[[Republican Jewish Coalition]] - Former Vice Chairman
==External Links==
*[http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/1296 ''RightWeb'' profile on Clifford May] (Accessed June 24, 2006)

Latest revision as of 07:09, 4 August 2010

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