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*[http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/1296 ''RightWeb'' profile on Clifford May] (Accessed June 24, 2006)
*[http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/1296 ''RightWeb'' profile on Clifford May] (Accessed June 24, 2006)

Revision as of 09:27, 7 July 2008

Clifford D. May is the President of Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a former senior managing director of Weber Shandwick. He is the Chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger's Policy Committee and with Frank Gaffney a codirector for the Alliance for Research and National Security. He is also a signatory to several Project for the New American Century letters and a former Republican National Committee Director of Communications.

May was the Bureau Chief for the New York Times in Northern Ireland and West Africa , a senior editor for Geo, and an associate editor for Newsweek. He writes a weekly column that is nationally distributed by Scripps Howard News Service and he is a regular contributor for National Review Online, CNN's American Morning, and National Public Radio's Morning Edition. In the late 1990s May edited Rising Tide, the official magazine of the Republican Party.


External Links
