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Rothamsted's Dr Peter Lutman was a co-author of a report to the government on progress on the trials. Dr Lutman also works for [[CropGen]], a pro-GM lobby group set up and financed by the biotech industry. Two other scientists who have worked for Rothamsted who are also part of CropGen are Dr [[Nigel Halford]] and Dr [[Guy Poppy]] (now at Southampton University).
Rothamsted's Dr Peter Lutman was a co-author of a report to the government on progress on the trials. Dr Lutman also works for [[CropGen]], a pro-GM lobby group set up and financed by the biotech industry. Two other scientists who have worked for Rothamsted who are also part of CropGen are Dr [[Nigel Halford]] and Dr [[Guy Poppy]] (now at Southampton University).
Category: Foodspin Government Agencies

Revision as of 21:19, 19 August 2007

Rothamsted Research, formerly known as the Institute of Arable Crops Research (IACR), claims to be 'the largest land-based institute in the UK and the oldest in the world'. It has research sites at Rothamsted and Broom's Barn (and formerly Long Ashton). It is one of eight UK institutes sponsored by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

In 2002 it had a total income of over �27M, in part from corporate sponsors. According to Rothamsted's website, 'We look upon most of our arrangements with commercial companies as partnerships'. Rothamsted sees such partnerships as ideally providing the opportunity for 'a seamless mix of basic research and practical applications.' The website lists Aventis, DuPont, Novartis and Syngenta, as among Rothamsted's 'partners'.

Rothamsted is also part of the consortium of 3 research groups that carried out UK government work on farm-scale evaluations. Among the Rothamsted scientists involved in overseeing the trials were Dr Mike May and Dr Alan Dewar who have also undertaken research for Agrevo (later part of Aventis and later still Bayer) and Monsanto - companies whose crops were assessed in the farmscale trials.

Rothamsted's Dr Peter Lutman was a co-author of a report to the government on progress on the trials. Dr Lutman also works for CropGen, a pro-GM lobby group set up and financed by the biotech industry. Two other scientists who have worked for Rothamsted who are also part of CropGen are Dr Nigel Halford and Dr Guy Poppy (now at Southampton University).

Category: Foodspin Government Agencies