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'''Welcome to the Nuclearspin website'''.
#redirect[[Nuclear spin]]
==[http://www.nuclearspin.org/index.php/Category:Pro-nuclear_individuals Individuals]==
*Lord [[John Birt]] - Blair's ex-advisor
* [[Tony Blair]] and [[The Cabinet]]
* [[Gregg Butler]] - A consultant still paid by [[BNFL]]
* [[Yvette Cooper]] The Minister with a nuclear family
* [[Jack Cunningham]] - "Nuclear" Jack
* [[Roger Ewart-Smith]] - The pro-nuclear banker
* [[Philip Dewhurst]] - A key nuclear spin doctor
* [[Thomas Docherty]] - Long-term nuclear lobbyist with political ambitions
* [[Ian Fells]] – The Government advisor whose credibility has been questioned
* [[Dieter Helm]] - An influential advisor who questions renewables
* [[John Hutton]] - Work and Pensions Secretary 
* [[Bernard Ingham]] - A long-standing pro-nuke and anti-wind campaigner
* [[Sue Ion]] - BNFL and BNES
* [[Lord Jenkin]] - Long-term nuclear supporter
* [[Alan Johnson]] - Government Minister - whose side of the fence is he on?
*[[David King]] - The government's chief scientist who sees nukes as the answer to climate change
*[[James Lovelock]] - The pro-nuke green guru
* [[Robert May]] - Ex-head of the Royal Society
*[[Jack McConnell]] - Scottish First Minister - likely to toe the political line.
*[[Grace McGlynn]]  - A Pro-Nuke Consultant
* [[Sir Donald Miller]] - Ex-Scottish Power - Anti-wind and pro-Nuke
* [[David Mundell]] - The MP fighting at Westminster for nukes in Scotland
* [[Elaine Murray]] - The MSP fighting for nukes at Holyrood
*[[Geoffrey Norris]] – a key special advisor to [[Tony Blair]]
*[[Keith Parker]] - the ex-civil servant who saw the general election as an "opportunity"
* [[Jamie Reed]] - the former [[BNFL]] press officer who is now an MP
* [[Willy Rickett]] - Director General of the DTI's Energy Group
* Lord [[David Sainsbury]]
* Professor [[Philip Thomas]] - From City University - but how independent?
* [[Malcolm Wicks]] - The Energy Minister
*[[Brian Wilson]] - ex-Energy Minister who now works for the nuclear industry
*[[Lisa Woolhouse]]- the so-called "independent advisor"
* [[Terry Wynn]] - Pro-Nuclear MEP
[[http://www.nuclearspin.org/index.php/Category:Media_Spin_on_Nuclear The Media]]
[[How the Different Newspapers Stack Up]]
===Individual Columnists===
*[[Simon Jenkins]]
*[[Jason Nisse]]
*[[Max Hastings]]
* [[All-Party Parliamentary Group on Nuclear Energy]]
*[[British Nuclear Energy Society]]
* [[Cross Party Group on the Civil Nuclear Industry]]
* [[The Committee for Radioactive Waste Management]]
*[[Department of Trade and Industry]]
*[[Energy Industries Club]]
*[[Energy Institute]]
*[[Energy Research Partnership]]
* [[European Atomic Forum]] (FORATOM)
* [[Forum for the Future of Nuclear Energy]] at the European Parliament
* [[The Institution of Civil Engineers]]
*[[Nuclear Decommissioning Authority]]
*[[Nuclear Industry Association]] 
* [[The Royal Academy of Engineering]]
* [[Royal Institute of International Affairs]]
*[[Royal Society ]]
*[[Supporters of Nuclear Energy]]
*[[United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority]] has hired [[Grayling Political Strategy]]
* [[World Nuclear Association]]
* [[Areva]]
*[[British Nuclear Fuels Limited]] – holding company for [[British Nuclear Group]],    [[Nexia Solutions]] and [[Westinghouse]]. It also has a US subsidiary:
*[[British Energy]]
* [[EDF]] whose Head of Press in the UK is Chancellor [[Gordon Brown]]'s younger brother
* [[Eon]]
* [[General Electric]]
* [[RWE]]
[http://www.nuclearspin.org/index.php/Category:Nuclear_PR%2C_lobbying_and_consultancy_firms  PR, Lobbying and Consultancy firms]
*[[Bell Pottinger]]
*[[Facilitating Change Limited]]
*[[Financial Dynamics]]
*[[Fleishman Hillard]] - need to add scottish Nirex stuff to their profile although it is not linking back to nirex
*[[ForthRoad Limited]]
*[[The Future Foundation]]
*[[Good Relations]]
*[[Grayling Political Strategy]]
*[[Integrated Decision Management]]
*[[International Futures Forum]] - [[Praxis]]
*[[Kingsmead Communications Limited]]
*[[Luther Pendragon]]
*[[PR21]] now known as [[Zeno]]
*[[Promise PR]]
*[[Strategic Awareness]]
*[[Weber Shandwick]]
==City Firms==
* [[Rothschild]]
* [[nUKlear21]]
* [[Amicus]]
* [[GMB]]
* [[Prospect]]
* [[TGWU]]
* [[TUC]]
* [[UCATT]]
==Web Companies==
* [[Sticky New Media]] - Web Design Company
* [[Activate Media]] 
* [[Forepoint]]

Latest revision as of 17:38, 3 March 2009

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