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Before joining City University in 2000, Thomas had 25 years' experience working in the chemical and nuclear industries, including working for UKAEA
==Pro-Nuke Links==
He is a Member of the Academic Board of the Royal Navy's Department of Nuclear Science and Technology and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the [[British Nuclear Energy Society]]. He is chairman of the [[Nuclear Academia-Industry Liaison Society]] (NAILS), the body that promotes the interchange of information between universities and the nuclear industry in the UK.
==Spinning the Case For Nuclear==
Thomas was one of the speakers at the [[Scientific Alliance] and [[Nuclear Industry Association]]'s conference in June 2005, entitled: "The Challenge for Nuclear: The policy, the science and the need for public engagement". [http://www.scientific-alliance.org/pdf/The%20Challenge%20for%20Nuclear%20-%20Proceedings.pdf]
Thomas was identified as an independent scientit from City University. But how independent is he? He is also one of the recipients of an email from Belinda Yates, from [[BNFL]]'s corporate affairs along with, amongst others [[Simon James]], [[Miranda Kirschel]], and [[Ruth Stanway]] and [[Keith Parker]] from the [[Nuclear Industry Association]], and [[Philip Dewhurst]], [[Sue Ion]], [[Richard Mayson]], and [[Adrian Bull]] from [[BNFL]], entitled: "Media Training  Workshop 2"
The email, dated 2 June 05 stated:
"Dear All
You have been nominated to attend an upcoming one day media training session with [[Weber Shandwick]] ... This media training will following [sic] on from the last training session held in March this year. However there will only be the 10 of you participating in this workshop and therefore it will be a more 'hands on', intensive day with each of you partaking in television and radio interviews."
Why is BNFL paying for his media training?

Latest revision as of 12:16, 7 March 2006