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*[[Hasmonean Multi-Academy Trust]]
*[[Hasmonean Multi-Academy Trust]] - Director 30 April 2019-17 September 2020

Revision as of 13:41, 13 November 2024


Leo Noe is a British real estate exec who is head of REIT Israel Group (formerly known as Azorim Properties). REIT has substantial retail business in Israel such as the $20million 11,000 square-meter shopping center at the entrance to Nahariya (a northern coastal city near Lebanon)[1]

Noe is described as an ultra-Orthodox Jew who, according to REIT's general manager Amir Biram, saw his 'Israeli investments as "Zionism, but business all the same,"'. [2]


Current activities





  1. Steinberg, J. (2006) In war and peace, they keep investing in Israel International Herald Tribune. September 12th 2006. Accessed 20th March 2009
  2. Steinberg, J. (2006) In war and peace, they keep investing in Israel International Herald Tribune. September 12th 2006. Accessed 20th March 2009