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This article is part of the Undercover Research Portal at Powerbase - investigating corporate and police spying on activists

Part of a series on
undercover police officers
Simon Wellings.2a.jpg
Alias: Simon Wellings
Deployment: 2001/2-2004
Globalise Resistance, arms trade protestors, anti-globalisation protestors, possibly Socialist Workers Party

Simon C. Wellings is the alias of an undercover police officer who infiltrated anti-globalisation group 'Globalise Resistance' in the early 2000s. He was exposed when he accidentally caused a debriefing session with his police handlers to be caught in a recording on a telephone answering machine.

This page is an appendix of material to the main article at Simon Wellings (alias)

Other Globalise Resistance protests

Globalise Resistance was involved in organising or participating in a number of other protests during the time Simon Wellings was active with the group. The following details are taken from archives of the Globalise Resistance website (Resist.org.uk)[1] - though it is not clear the extent to which Simon Wellings may have participated in them, or the extent to which GR was necessarily involved in organising. However, even if he was not directly involved, it is likely that he would have been privy to plans around them and have access to key players through his active role in GR.

For the most part, this focuses on London or international activities and should not be seen as an exhaustive list. We are interested in discovering which of these (or others we may have missed) Simon Wellings was involved in or attended. If you recall his role in them, please get in touch.


In 2001 GR produced literature targeting sweatshops, pharmaceutical companies, defending refugees, against privatisation and cuts, the Zapatistas, and about corporate involvement in education.[2] Local GR groups participated in protests against GlaxoSmithKline (over patents) and Gap (over sweatshop labour).[3]

  • 28 March: GR organised protest at the headquarters of construction firm Balfour Beatty over the firm's involvement in various issues, including privatisation of services and the Ilisu Dam.[4]
  • 14 April: protest at Downing Street against the US's Son of Star Wars defence programme; called by CND, members of Globalise Resistance are involved in organising for it.
  • 23 April: demo at US embassy over USA's decision to withdraw from Kyoto Protocol; GR join with the Green Party & Friends of the Earth for this protest.
  • 1 May: GR organise two pickets as part of the Mayday protests, one at the World Bank, the other at the World Patent Protection Summit.[5]
  • 28 July: GR lead protest at Italian embassy as evidence of torture by Italian police during Genoa protests emerge.[6][7]
  • 11 September: GR participate in the protests against the DSEi arms fair, alongside many anti-capitalist protesters. Also active in these protests was another undercover officer, Rod Richardson, at the time involved with the W.O.M.B.L.E.S.
  • 30 September 2001, demonstration against privatisation at the Labour Party conference in Brighton, called in conjunction with the Green Party & the Socialist Alliance; a counter-conference is organised by GR for 29 September in London.[8][9][10] The protests saw a large police presence in the city.[11][12] Following the attacks of 9/11 Globalise Resistance had switched part of its efforts towards the new anti-war effort that was developing.[13]


  • 14-16 March: European Union Summit, Barcelona. Large scale mobilisation by many anti-globalisation groups, including GR.[14]
  • 24 April: Stop Henry Kissinger protests, London; GR coordinated a coalition of groups as part of the 'Get Kissinger' initiative targeting his visit. These sought to blockade his talk at the Albert Hall. This included street & puppet theatre and a road-blockade of Kensington Gore.[15] Other groups involved included the Greater London Association of Trade Union Councils, Columbia Solidarity Campaign and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.[16][17]
  • 30 March: anti-Iraq war march, London; organised by CND.
  • 1 May: traditional May Day trade-union & anti-capitalist march in London, and including CND anti-war mobilisation; GR had a contingent present, taking part in the main body of the march alongside the trade unions.[18][19]
  • 19 May: Globalise Resistance annual conference "Resistance is Global", London.
  • 27 May: GR supported and encouraged people to attend the Anti Nazi Rally at Euston, London; organised by the Anti-Nazi League.
  • November 2002: European Social Forum, Florence. In England, GR was involved in setting up the Mobilisation for the European Social Forum to prepare for the this gathering. [20] There was a significant number of GR supporters and members at the main ESF, and a handful at the alternative event.[21]
  • 19 June: mass lobby of Parliament, London; organised by Trade Justice Now.
  • 15-22 June: GR supports calls for a week of protests in support of refugees; organised by the Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers.
  • 27 June: GR supports calls by the Anti-Nazi League for protests against right-wing Austrian politician Jörg Haider's presence at a London press conference for the official opening (27 June) of a new Ryanair route from London to Klagenfurt.[22][23]
  • 15 August: demonstration in support of activists imprisoned in South Africa for anti-privatisation protests, London.[24] This protest is jointly called by GR, World Development Movement & War on Want to highlight the trial of the 'Kensington 87' in South Africa for anti-privatisation campaigning.[25][26]
  • 28 September: 'Not In My Name' anti-war protest, London; organised by the Stop the War Coalition. GR participate
  • 2 September: Defend the Right to Protest in South Africa, London.
  • 23 November: 'After Florence: Which Way Forward for the Anti-Capitalist Movement?' talk at the London School of Economics, Aldwych, London; organised by GR. Speakers include Walden Bello, Claudio Jampaglia, Linda Smith (Fire Brigades Union).[27]
  • 24 November: protest at a talk by US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill at the AGM of the Confederation of British Industry in Manchester. Protests are called by various groups including Globalise Resistance, with speakers on the anti-war / globalisation protest coming from from GR, CND and the Stop the War Coalition. Some protestors attempt to access the conference and are met with police violence.[28][29]
  • 7 December: GR contingent at TUC march in support of the Fire Brigade Union which in November had begun strike action over pay.[30] Guy Taylor reports that this is the point he becomes aware has been placed under overt surveillance by police, as his name is heard on police radios and two uniformed officers purposely follow him around Hyde Park; from then on he experienced overt following at most protests he attended, though it is not clear how much responsibility for this could be laid at Wellings' door.[21]
  • 12 December: further protests at Italian embassy on behalf of imprisoned ESF organisers; demonstration is called by GR and Rifondazione Comunista UK.[31]
  • 12-13 December: EU Summit in Copenhagen. GR contingent present, [32][33]


  • Globalise Resistance participate in a national speaking tour in the run up to 15 February anti war protests protests. Speakers include Heidi Giuliani, mother of Carlo Guiliani who was killed by police in Genoa in July 2001.
  • 1 May: Traditional Mayday protest, London; called by the May Day Organising Committee, supported by Globalise Resistance, Stop the War Coalition, War on Want, World Development Movement and the TUC. A large policing operation under DAC Andy Trotter is put in place.[34]
  • 10 May: GR annual conference "Globalisation, Empire & Resistance", London. Speakers include Samir Amin (director Third World Forum, Senegal), Susan George (author The Lugano Report), Christophe Aguiton (organiser, G8 Evian protests), Billy Hayes (General Secretary of the Communications Workers Union).
  • 13 September: World Trade Organisation protests, Cancun. Attended by people active in GR.[35]
  • 27 September: large anti-war protest in London called by the Stop the War Coalition and others. GR present with their replica orange tank.[36]
  • 22 October: Solidarity with the Bolivian Resistance, protest at BP Headquarters, London; called by GR, Columbia Solidarity Campaign & Argentine Solidarity Campaign.[37]
  • 8 November: protest in solidarity with Thessaloniki 7 / Simon Chapman at Greek Ambassador's residence, London; protest supported by GR.
  • 12-15 November: 2nd European Social Forum, Paris. GR take part in organising hiring EuroStar to take activists to this international event.[38]


  • Mobilisation for World Social Forum, Mumbai, 16-21 January; representatives of GR attend and organise meetings.[39][40]
  • 25 February; Unite Against Fascism launch rally at the London Astoria, speakers include Billy Hayes (CWU), Jean Lambert (Green Party MEP), Dave Prentis (Unison) and London Mayor Ken Livingstone.
  • 20 March: day of large marches globally to mark the anniversary of the Iraq War; GR backs the calls of the Global Anti-War Movement for this day of protest and participates in the London rally.[41]
  • April: GR supports work around Mordecai Vanunu, then being released from jail, including promoting vigils at Israeli Embassy on 17 & 24 April. Hilary Westlake, a member of the GR Steering Committee, meets with Vanunu in Jerusalem and does a series of reports for GR from the city.[42]
  • 24 April: 2004 Globalise Resistance annual conference, 'War, Poverty & Resistance: challenging the new American century', London South Bank University; speakers include Billy Hayes (CWU General Secretary), Caroline Lucas (Green Party), David Miller (academic), Salma Yaqoob (Birmingham Stop the War Coalition), Alex Callinicos (SWP), Jeremy Dear (NUJ General Secretary), Christophe Aguiton (ATTAC) and David Shayler (ex-MI5).
  • 1 May: Mayday protests, central London. GR participates, having helped to organise the official TUC march from Clerkenwell to Trafalgar Square. It also hosts an after-party, featuring the US band Anti-Flag, at a free gig in Brick Lane.[43]
  • 18 May: protest at the Landmark Hotel the visit to London by George Bush Snr; GR participates in demonstration.[44][45] A police spotter card used at this protest which is photographed by a member of the press has images of Guy Taylor and another member of the GR steering committee.[21]
  • August: GR is one of many groups supporting the No2ID campaign against compulsory ID cards, including promoting it on its website and calling for people to get involved.

While Globalise Resistance was to remain active for several more years, the list of its activities has been limited to the period Wellings was around or may have been present.


  1. Undercover Research Group; search through the archives of Resist.org.uk held by the Wayback Machine / Archive.org project, Summer 2016.
  2. Globalise Resistance, Information, Resist.org.uk, 2001 (Wayback Machine archive of website made on 31 March 2001).
  3. Globalise Resistance, various reports, Resist, Issue 1, March 2001 (accessed via Wayback Machine archive).
  4. Globalise Resistance, Socialist Worker 24 March 2001, Issue 1740 (accessed 2 April 2001).
  5. Globalise Resistance, May the fun commence, Resist, Issue 3, 2001 (accessed via Wayback Machine archive).
  6. Globalise Resistance, Protest at Italian Embassy, Sat 28 July, Resist.org.uk, 28 July 2001 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  7. IMCista, Italian Embassy Genoa Protest Pics 28.07.01, Indymedia UK, 29 July 2001 (accessed 20 October 2016). See also IMCista, Italian Embassy G8 Demo Report 28.07.01, Indymedia UK, 29 July 2001 (accessed 20 October 2016).
  8. Globalise Resistance, home page 2001, Resist.org.uk, September 2001 (Wayback Machine archive of website made on 23 September 2001).
  9. Globalise Resistance, Brighton: 30 September 2001, Resist.org.uk, 30 September 2001 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  10. Against capitalism and against the war, Socialist Worker, 1 October 2001 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  11. Protest targets Labour conference, BBC News Online, 30 September 2001 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  12. Peace protest targets Labour conference, BBC News Online, 30 September 2001 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  13. David Usborne, Campuses divided as anti-war lobby grows, The Independent, 21 September 2001 (accessed 21 April 2016).
  14. Globalise Resistance, Barcelona, Resist.org.uk, 2002 (Wayback Machine archive of website made on 6 June 2002).
  15. Globalise Resistance, Stop Kissinger and the Corporate Criminals, Resist.org.uk, 2002 (Wayback Machine archive of website made on 2 June 2002). Photos of the action are also available at GUIDO, Kissinger protest pictures, Indymedia UK, 24 April 2002 (accessed 20 October 2016)
  16. 'Solidarity groups go all out to get Kissinger on British visit', Morning Star, 13 April 2002 (accessed via Nexis).
  17. Pinochet Judge threatens Kissenger with extradition, The Independent on Sunday, 14 April 2002 (accessed via Nexis).
  18. Globalise Resistance, United for Mayday 2002, Resist.org.uk, 2002 (Wayback Machine archive of website made on 13 April 2002).
  19. Globalise Resistance, May Day 2002, Resist.org.uk, 2 May 2002 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  20. Globalise Resistance, European Social Forum, Resist.org.uk, 2002 (Wayback Machine archive of website made on 3 June 2002).
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Undercover Research Group: email from Guy Taylor, 29 April 2016.
  22. Jeevan Vasagar, Far right leader faces protests at airline promotion, The Guardian, 18 June 2002 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  23. Blair is 'right wing' - Haider, BBC News Online, 28 June 2002 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  24. Globalise Resistance, Supporting South African Anti-Privatisation Protesters, Resist.org.uk, 2002 (Wayback Machine archive of website made on 22 August 2002).
  25. Jeremy Dewar, South Africans fight for water, Resist, Issue 7, 2002 (accessed via Wayback Machine archive).
  26. Paul McGarr, Anti-capitalists storm bosses' conference, Socialist Worker, 30 November 2002 (2 April 2016).
  27. Socialist Alliance, SA National Office bulletin, 19 November 2002 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  28. Bush buddy gets unfriendly welcome, Resist, Issue 9, 2003 (accessed via Wayback Machine archive).
  29. Stuart H., Anti-war Protestors Storm CBI Conference, Indymedia UK 24 November 2002 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  30. Fire Brigade Union, FBU National Demo – 7th December 2002, FBU.org.uk, 5 December 2002 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  31. Sue Jones Protest for Italians jailed after ESF, Resist, Issue 9, 2003 (accessed via Wayback Machine archive).
  32. Amanda Dübeck, Police make trouble in peaceful Copenhagen, Resist, Issue 9, 2003 (accessed via Wayback Machine archive).
  33. Globalise Resistance, Copenhagen Protests, Resist.org.uk, 27 December 2002 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  34. Preparing for May Day, BBC News Online, 30 April 2003 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  35. Sally Campbell, Saturday 13 September, Cancun (the name means 'snake pit'...)., Resist.org.uk, 2003 (accessed via Wayback Machine archive).
  36. Thousands stage Iraq demo, BBC News Online, 27 September 2003 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  37. rp, Bolivia Solidarity Demo : BP London : Wed 22nd Oct, Indymedia UK, 20 October 2003 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  38. Amanda Dybeck, The second European Social Forum, Resist.org.uk, 2003 (accessed via Wayback Machine archive).
  39. Globalise Resistance, The World Social Forum 2004, Resist.org.uk, 2004 (archived by Wayback Machine).
  40. Esme Choonara, World Social Forum: Mumbai Not for Sale, SocialistReview.org.uk, Issue 282, 20 February 2004 (accessed 12 April 2016).
  41. Globalise Resistance, Peace & Justice Not War & Occupation: Anti-war demo March 20, Resist.org.uk, 2004 (archived by Wayback Machine).
  42. Hilary Westlake, Mordecai Vanunu Campaign: The Day of the Release, Resist.org.uk, 2004 (archived by Wayback Machine).
  43. Globalise Resistance, May Day 2004: MayDay Marches On!, Resist.org.uk, 2004 (archived by Wayback Machine).
  44. Globalise Resistance, Daddy Bush Comes To London, Resist.org.uk, 2004 (archived by Wayback Machine).
  45. Globalise Resistance, Bush Snr in London, Resist.org.uk, 19 May 2004 (accessed 12 April 2016).