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*Steven Harkins, [http://www.spinwatch.org/index.php/blog/item/474-paranoid-scottish-defence-league-abandons-facebook-due-to-fear-of-fakes Paranoid Scottish Defence League abandons Facebook due to fear of 'fakes'], ''Spinwatch'', 7 March 2010

Latest revision as of 04:20, 22 January 2015

John Wilkinson is an administrator of the Scottish Defence League facebook group, he is also BNP member and campaigner.[1]. Wilkinson can be seen on his Facebook site leafleting for the BNP in the 2009 European Elections. Wilkinson also appears on the leaked BNP members list which was posted on Wikileaks.[2]

John Wilkinson in Military Uniform[3]
SDL Administrators[4]
SDL Administrators March 2010


Scottish Defence League | BNP



  1. John Wilkinson (Dumfries), BNP Membership List, Wikileaks.org, Accessed 07-December-2009
  2. John Wilkinson (Dumfries), BNP Membership List, Wikileaks.org, Accessed 07-December-2009
  3. John Wilkinson Image, John Wilkinson Facebook Profile, Facebook, Accessed 07-December-2009
  4. SDL Administrators December 2009, SDL Homepage, Facebook, Captured 07-December-2009

[[Category:Counterjihad]|Wilkinson, John]