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(Created page with "Geopolitics (ISSN: 1465-0045) is an international and multidisciplinary journal devoted to contemporary research on geopolitics. The journal provides a forum for scholarly...")
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Themes are said to 'include geopolitical traditions; critical geographical analysis of formal, practical and popular geopolitics; feminist geopolitics; urban geopolitics; geopolitics of the everyday; environmental geopolitics; spatial and cartographic analysis; and political economy.'  <ref name= "About"/>
Themes are said to 'include geopolitical traditions; critical geographical analysis of formal, practical and popular geopolitics; feminist geopolitics; urban geopolitics; geopolitics of the everyday; environmental geopolitics; spatial and cartographic analysis; and political economy.'  <ref name= "About"/>
The journal is peer reviewed, with all papers being reviewed by international peer reviewers, on the basis of which they are accepted, rejected or subject to revisions. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. <ref name= "About"/>
The journal is peer reviewed, with all papers being reviewed by international peer reviewers, on the basis of which they are accepted, rejected or subject to revisions. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via [[ScholarOne Manuscripts]]. <ref name= "About"/>

Revision as of 15:04, 12 January 2015

Geopolitics (ISSN: 1465-0045) is an international and multidisciplinary journal devoted to contemporary research on geopolitics. The journal provides a forum for scholarly analysis which looks to address the 'intersection of geography and global politics from various disciplinary and methodological perspectives.' [1]

Themes are said to 'include geopolitical traditions; critical geographical analysis of formal, practical and popular geopolitics; feminist geopolitics; urban geopolitics; geopolitics of the everyday; environmental geopolitics; spatial and cartographic analysis; and political economy.' [1]

The journal is peer reviewed, with all papers being reviewed by international peer reviewers, on the basis of which they are accepted, rejected or subject to revisions. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. [1]


Circa 2015


Editorial Board


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Aims and Scope Geopolitics Taylor & Francis Online, accessed 12 January 2015