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[[Category:Banking and Finance Industry|Eddington, Rod]]
[[Category:Banking and Finance Industry|Eddington, Rod]] [[Category:Oxford alumni|Eddington, Rod]]

Revision as of 09:21, 29 September 2014

Sir Rod Eddington is a former chief executive of British Airways plc.


Rod Eddington is currently Non-executive Chairman (Australia and New Zealand) of JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A, a Non-executive Director of 21st Century Fox and John Swire & Sons Pty Ltd.[1]

He was formerly director of Hakluyt's international advisory board The Holdingham Group Advisory Board (from 2005-2008)[2] , Non-executive Director of Allco Finance Group Ltd. (now in liquidation) until 26 May 2009 and Rio Tinto Group until 5 May 2011.[1]

Eddington was Director of News Ltd. (now News Corp Australia) from 1998 until 2000, Chairman of Ansett Holdings Ltd. and Director of Ansett Australia Ltd., Ansett Australia Holdings Ltd and was the Chief Executive of British Airways plc from 2000 until his retirement on 30 September 2005.[1]


  • University of Western Australia
  • D Phil in the Department of Engineering Science at Oxford University[1]


  • Awarded the Rhodes Scholar in 1974[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Rod Eddington profile CLP Group, Updated 14 August 2014, Accessed 25 September 2014
  2. Ruth Sullivan Hakluyt boosts both boards, Financial Times, 30 December 2005, Accessed 25 September 2014