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top tip in doing Purvis:  Use the new referencing format and not the old one (which is currently on the page).
to do this do the following:
1. go to the bottom of the page and add the following at the bottom of the page
1. go to the bottom of the page and add the following at the bottom of the page
Line 12: Line 6:
2. When you need to insert a reference insert it immediately after the quote:
2. When you need to insert a reference insert it immediately after the quote:
'Blah, blah, blah'<nowiki><ref> George Bush, '[URL Blah, blah, blah]' The Guardian, date, page etc</ref>==Notes==</nowiki>
'Blah, blah, blah'<nowiki><ref> George Bush, '[URL Blah, blah, blah]' The Guardian, date, page etc</ref>==Notes==</nowiki>
This will then appear in the correct order at the bottom
This will then appear in the correct order at the bottom
Line 18: Line 11:
More guidance here: [[SpinProfiles:A_Guide_to_Referencing|A guide to referencing]]
More guidance here: [[SpinProfiles:A_Guide_to_Referencing|A guide to referencing]]
also, you should note that each of the 12 entries draws on Andy's reprot, but make sure that you include all the original references.
--[[User:David|David]] 16:41, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
"Porter, in his article, mentions the outcomes of a system being employed, and used by the state for social and political control of its people"
A couple of sentences on how exactly they can control people/society with it would be usefully terrifying. I have heard rumours about the government being able to suddenly turn off a switch in yr microchip and you can't buy anything, use bank accounts etc as your life has been effectively frozen. And this of course without the necessary predecessor of judicial trial. Any sentence or two that gives a hint of the powers they would have over us would be great. Maybe quote the sentences from Porter article--it's good.
Are there any places in the world where mental patients, prisoners on day release, old folks with Alzheimer's etc. are chipped to stop them wandering off? What's insidious is that we are told that these things are for our own good, whereas the ultimate aim may well not be in our interests.
Lastly, can you go to recent changes and click on your name and then add a brief biographical note?
--[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 22:03, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
===categories: surveillance/ surveillance society===
PS re categories, I think we need new category like "surveillance society" or "surveillance" or similar, if David agrees? I couldn't see any categories that fit the subject. It's an important subject for us.
--[[User:David|David]] 16:41, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
===references and links===
1. can you follow the guidance at [[A Guide to Referencing]] and specifically do: author, Title(link), publication date, pages, accessed etc ...
2. When linking to a company that they are now with can you enclose the co in [[brackets]] eg [[Cinven]] and then paste the url/website afterwards in (brackets)?
--[[User:David|David]] 01:24, 26 November 2008 (UTC)
== refs ==
HI Barcin
Yes, you are right.  It is the former...
Nice article on Klaus-Heiner Lehne. I have a query: can you please source this denial, which is in one of your references, as the link provided doesn't actually contain any reference to the denial:--
--[[User:David|David]] 15:24, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
In 2005, a spokesman for SAP denied working with Taylor Wessing.
HI Barcin
Thank you!
Re Freedom to Fly, FYI here is a press release that says they get funding from BAA (surprise)
Managing editor
best, --[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 11:44, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
== aviation links to Labour ==
Hi Barcin
Hi Barcin
I have this doc giving various info about Flying Matters and other aviation links to New Labour; you can download it from
if you have probs getting it, send yr email adde to me
claire.robinson AT spinprofiles.org
and I will forward.
Fascinating article on the microchipping guy Jorgo Chatzimarkakis. I was especially interested in the following para and thought that our readers (myself included) would value a short section at the end on what applications the chips might have in practice, in the fields of pharma, health (is this putting the names of people's medications onto their microchip??), agriculture (microchipping patented crops??), transport, logistics, transport (no more speeding or stealing cars?), etc. A lot of people, many journalists included, are naive about microchips and think that the technology is only intended for prisoners, waste bins and pets!
best, --[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 12:16, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
:Through STOA, Chatzimarkakis has pushed RFID,[17] and “has been busy organising events to raise awareness of the RFID technological revolution”.[18] At one STOA event in 2006, he talked about the “promising application potential” of RFID, especially in the fields of pharmaceuticals, health, agriculture, transport, logistics, and security.[19]
== category deleted ==
Got yr note about the ref from Andy R, excellent.
HI Barcin
--[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 17:33, 9 November 2008 (UTC)
just to keep you up to date, I have deleted the category "Think-Tanker" as it is a near-duplicate of the category "Think Tanker". The latter (Think Tanker) had more articles in it so have kept that one and re-assigned all articles in the category Think-Tanker to Think Tanker. If that makes sense. So all you need to do is ensure that all future Think Tankers are put in a category of that name, without the hyphen.
thanks and best wishes
--[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 19:12, 16 March 2009 (UTC)
== what's hot ==
yes, do it at the end.  Did you get my email forwarding Andy's respose to your query?
HI Barcin
--[[User:David|David]] 19:27, 9 November 2008 (UTC)
can u put in a link to someth newsworthy and topical from MEPdia in the new 'what's hot' box on main page? something on GM already in there
thanks! --[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 12:14, 2 May 2009 (UTC)
== message left for MEPdia writer ==
Hi Barcin
Also, can you remember of add the Conflicts of Interest category where appropriate and also the Revolving doors one if it is best?
you may well have Yiorgos under your supervision in which case you may be planning to go thru his pages and do all the necessary editing, but I just left the following on his talk page...
thank you!
--[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 14:49, 21 May 2009 (UTC)
--[[User:David|David]] 19:30, 9 November 2008 (UTC)
Hello Yiorgos
== clarification ok? ==
Welcome to SpinProfiles. Just a few points of style. When doing articles on the Greek MEPs, we need to make sure that caps are where they should be, eg "Greek" not 'greek", full stops are in place, no spare space at end of brackets etc.
HI Barcin
Stavros Lambrinidis (Born on 6 February 1962, Athina ) is an MEP from the greek party Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (PA.SO.K)
edited the Eija-Riitta Korhola section on conflicts of interest to clarify that it was the writer (I believe this is the writer's name?), Jussi Karmala, rather than the magazine/newspaper this person was writing in, that said this. pls check edit OK.
should be
Stavros Lambrinidis (born on 6 February 1962, Athina) is an MEP from the Greek political party Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (PA.SO.K).
--[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 20:16, 15 November 2008 (UTC)
== great! ==
also I assume that Athina is what we call Athens? If so, we should say Athens.
Hi Barcin
also where you have
I'm really excited that you have added the RFID page, because this is exactly the kind of public education that I think we need to do as an addition to exposing individuals and groups. I think it's very good and clear.
===Declaration of Financial Interest===
Initial thoughts for possible addition/expansion to the following sentence--  
<nowiki>Nothing to declare [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ep-dif/28576_15-01-2009.PDF]</nowiki>
"Porter, in his article, mentions the outcomes of a system being employed, and used by the state for social and political control of its people"
can you make it into a full ref and code it so it goes in the refs at the foot of page? see A Guide to Referencing
A couple of sentences on how exactly they can control people/society with it would be usefully terrifying. I have heard rumours about the government being able to suddenly turn off a switch in yr microchip and you can't buy anything, use bank accounts etc as your life has been effectively frozen. And this of course without the necessary predecessor of judicial trial. Any sentence or two that gives a hint of the powers they would have over us would be great. Maybe quote the sentences from Porter article--it's good.
but in brief, it should be something like, e.g.
Are there any places in the world where mental patients, prisoners on day release, old folks with Alzheimer's etc. are chipped to stop them wandering off? What's insidious is that we are told that these things are for our own good, whereas the ultimate aim may well not be in our interests.
<nowiki>Nothing to declare<ref>"[http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ep-dif/28576_15-01-2009.PDF Register of Financial Interests]", European Parliament, April 2008, accessed 21 May 2009</ref></nowiki>
Anyway, great work.
then you will notice that the ref goes to the foot of the page and numbers itself automatically.
best, --[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 22:03, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
could you go through all your articles and implement these changes? It could well be that these are works in progress and that you are planning to do all this, in which case, sorry for jumping the gun!!
== PS categories ==
thanks for your work on these guys.
PS re categories, I think we need new category like "surveillance society" or "surveillance" or similar, if David agrees? I couldn't see any categories that fit the subject. It's an important subject for us.
best wishes
--[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 14:49, 21 May 2009 (UTC)
== RFID ==
== Latin... ==
Hi Barcin
Hi Barcin
Superb!! Educational and informative. I learned a lot. I have edited only for clarity/English idiom and other minor things.
I took the liberty of changing the MEPedia format page to substitute "biography" for "curriculum vitae". I like Latin but a lot of people find it offputting these days, hence the growth of the expression "CV" for "curriculum vitae". I've also banned Latinisms like "Ibid" and "Op. cit." from refs for same reason. If you prefer though, "Biographical details" would be fine. I've also lower-cased all subheads in all format pages for all portals, ie
Conflicts of interest
rather than
Conflicts of Interest
as per wiki convention. No worries about pages already done though, it's a small point.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. You may want to check my edits and make sure that your meaning has survived intact.  
many thanks for your impeccable work on MEPedia and let me know of any encouraging feedback you get.
--[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 21:17, 29 May 2009 (UTC)
--[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 20:01, 23 November 2008 (UTC)
== reference links ==
== PS clarification on RFID ==
hi Barcin, was just looking at the Daul profile references and notice that all the FoE links are broken - did a quick look on its site but can't find. Any ideas?
# ↑ Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
thanks, Melissa (my signature doesn't seem to be working?)
--[[User:Melissa Jones|Melissa Jones]] 10:55, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
the FoE links arent working any more - apparently they've removed the related documents. the references are correct (double-checked). i thought that's why we had the last access dates on, in case they removed the pages. do you think it's a problem?
I forgot--I have just one question--in the following passage--
Barcin, sorry I realised I never replied on this issue - have been pondering it! Yes, you are right about the references last access dates etc. Very frustrating these have been removed though as most of the mep profiles have these refs. Is there absolutely no trace of this online anymore in an archived form?
Implementation of such a vulnerable technology prone to viral attacks and hacking can be viewed as an economic threat, in the case of companies using it and spreading its use to enlarge their marketing system
Is your signature still not working? let me know, and i will follow up with bill.
--[[User:Melissa Jones|Melissa Jones]] 17:33, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
Economic threat to whom? Is this about companies using RFID to sell more stuff to more people? In an illegal or legal way? I can imagine that the powers-that-be might think companies selling more stuff was a good thing, in which case who/what would be threatened?… can you unpack the meaning here a bit/clarify? as it's not clear to me.
== query about category caps MEP DE GRÜNE‎ ==
thank you! --[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 20:04, 23 November 2008 (UTC)
Hi Barcin, great work on all your updates - just wondering why the caps on this category and others rather than lowercase?
== thanks ==
== David Simon page ==
HI Barcin
Hi Barcin, happy new year!  Just trying to work out what's happened on the David Simon page as the renaming of this page has deleted the editing history ie it looks like a completely new page whereas it is actually quite old. I think you have also done this to at least one other page, need to doublecheck... can you please consult with me on these before doing anymore.  thanks --[[User:Melissa Jones|Melissa Jones]] 14:05, 4 January 2011 (UTC)
thanks for clarifying that sentence. Hope you're proud of your article!
--Barçın Uluışık 14:20, 4 January 2011 (UTC)  
--[[User:Claire Robinson|Claire Robinson]] 12:28, 24 November 2008 (UTC)
== no no no! ==
Hi Barcin - re your answer, it is too confusing to do it that way as for example if I do a normal search for David Simon, they still arrive at your renamed page which doesn't show the prior history.  Better to use the 'move' function which keeps history intact, (see explanation below from help pages http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Powerbase:How_to_Redirect_a_Page).
HI Barcin
''"If you simply want to rename an article to a new title, please don't just paste it under the new name and make a redirect. This breaks the history of previous edits, and if there's a talk page it won't get moved automatically. Instead, use the Move page function, which keeps these things intact and makes a redirect for you.'' (More on: http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Powerbase:How_to_rename_a_pag
no, I would not call these language mistakes! your article made perfect sense, was well planned and argued, and could be understood by anyone, which is the most important thing. The edits I made were very superficial things and actually easy for me to do, to improve clarity and to fit the more usual English idioms. It's not correction but polishing. Conversely, with some writers whose first language is English, it is impossible or difficult for me to work out what they are trying to say! That kind of writing requires more than polishing from the editor--it's a matter of rewriting mixed with guesswork on the editor's part and is certainly not easy.
Would you mind please correcting also any other pages you may have done this too?  Cheers! --[[User:Melissa Jones|Melissa Jones]] 14:34, 4 January 2011 (UTC)
I would love it if you could do more writing for us -- but I know this is a difficult thing when you are working as a volunteer and are short of time. So I will have no expectations but will be delighted when I see articles from you...
== re Dynamic Article code issue ==
best, Claire
Hi Barc,  
yes we've just recently updated the mediawiki version and unfortunately it's incompatible with the Dynamic Article list extension for recent changes. Works only for new pages, though is coded differently (as used on Main Page).--[[User:Melissa Jones|Melissa Jones]] ([[User talk:Melissa Jones|talk]]) 09:37, 6 October 2012 (CEST)

Latest revision as of 07:37, 6 October 2012


1. go to the bottom of the page and add the following at the bottom of the page ==Notes== <references/> This tells the system to put the refs at the bottom

2. When you need to insert a reference insert it immediately after the quote: 'Blah, blah, blah'<ref> George Bush, '[URL Blah, blah, blah]' The Guardian, date, page etc</ref>==Notes== This will then appear in the correct order at the bottom

More guidance here: A guide to referencing

--David 16:41, 4 November 2008 (UTC)


"Porter, in his article, mentions the outcomes of a system being employed, and used by the state for social and political control of its people"

A couple of sentences on how exactly they can control people/society with it would be usefully terrifying. I have heard rumours about the government being able to suddenly turn off a switch in yr microchip and you can't buy anything, use bank accounts etc as your life has been effectively frozen. And this of course without the necessary predecessor of judicial trial. Any sentence or two that gives a hint of the powers they would have over us would be great. Maybe quote the sentences from Porter article--it's good.

Are there any places in the world where mental patients, prisoners on day release, old folks with Alzheimer's etc. are chipped to stop them wandering off? What's insidious is that we are told that these things are for our own good, whereas the ultimate aim may well not be in our interests.

--Claire Robinson 22:03, 19 November 2008 (UTC)

categories: surveillance/ surveillance society

PS re categories, I think we need new category like "surveillance society" or "surveillance" or similar, if David agrees? I couldn't see any categories that fit the subject. It's an important subject for us. Claire

references and links

1. can you follow the guidance at A Guide to Referencing and specifically do: author, Title(link), publication date, pages, accessed etc ... 2. When linking to a company that they are now with can you enclose the co in brackets eg Cinven and then paste the url/website afterwards in (brackets)? --David 01:24, 26 November 2008 (UTC)


Yes, you are right. It is the former...

--David 15:24, 4 February 2009 (UTC)

HI Barcin

Re Freedom to Fly, FYI here is a press release that says they get funding from BAA (surprise) http://www.foe.co.uk/resource/press_releases/1002conf.html

best, --Claire Robinson 11:44, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

aviation links to Labour

Hi Barcin I have this doc giving various info about Flying Matters and other aviation links to New Labour; you can download it from www.hacan.org.uk/resources/reports/baa-links-to-labour.pdf if you have probs getting it, send yr email adde to me claire.robinson AT spinprofiles.org and I will forward.

best, --Claire Robinson 12:16, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

category deleted

HI Barcin

just to keep you up to date, I have deleted the category "Think-Tanker" as it is a near-duplicate of the category "Think Tanker". The latter (Think Tanker) had more articles in it so have kept that one and re-assigned all articles in the category Think-Tanker to Think Tanker. If that makes sense. So all you need to do is ensure that all future Think Tankers are put in a category of that name, without the hyphen.

thanks and best wishes --Claire Robinson 19:12, 16 March 2009 (UTC)

what's hot

HI Barcin

can u put in a link to someth newsworthy and topical from MEPdia in the new 'what's hot' box on main page? something on GM already in there thanks! --Claire Robinson 12:14, 2 May 2009 (UTC)

message left for MEPdia writer

Hi Barcin

you may well have Yiorgos under your supervision in which case you may be planning to go thru his pages and do all the necessary editing, but I just left the following on his talk page...

thank you! --Claire Robinson 14:49, 21 May 2009 (UTC)

--- Hello Yiorgos

Welcome to SpinProfiles. Just a few points of style. When doing articles on the Greek MEPs, we need to make sure that caps are where they should be, eg "Greek" not 'greek", full stops are in place, no spare space at end of brackets etc.


Stavros Lambrinidis (Born on 6 February 1962, Athina ) is an MEP from the greek party Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (PA.SO.K)

should be

Stavros Lambrinidis (born on 6 February 1962, Athina) is an MEP from the Greek political party Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (PA.SO.K).

also I assume that Athina is what we call Athens? If so, we should say Athens.

also where you have

Declaration of Financial Interest

Nothing to declare [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ep-dif/28576_15-01-2009.PDF]

can you make it into a full ref and code it so it goes in the refs at the foot of page? see A Guide to Referencing http://www.spinprofiles.org/index.php/SpinProfiles:A_Guide_to_Referencing

but in brief, it should be something like, e.g.

Nothing to declare<ref>"[http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ep-dif/28576_15-01-2009.PDF Register of Financial Interests]", European Parliament, April 2008, accessed 21 May 2009</ref>

then you will notice that the ref goes to the foot of the page and numbers itself automatically.

could you go through all your articles and implement these changes? It could well be that these are works in progress and that you are planning to do all this, in which case, sorry for jumping the gun!!

thanks for your work on these guys.

best wishes --Claire Robinson 14:49, 21 May 2009 (UTC)


Hi Barcin

I took the liberty of changing the MEPedia format page to substitute "biography" for "curriculum vitae". I like Latin but a lot of people find it offputting these days, hence the growth of the expression "CV" for "curriculum vitae". I've also banned Latinisms like "Ibid" and "Op. cit." from refs for same reason. If you prefer though, "Biographical details" would be fine. I've also lower-cased all subheads in all format pages for all portals, ie

Conflicts of interest

rather than

Conflicts of Interest

as per wiki convention. No worries about pages already done though, it's a small point.

many thanks for your impeccable work on MEPedia and let me know of any encouraging feedback you get. --Claire Robinson 21:17, 29 May 2009 (UTC)

reference links

hi Barcin, was just looking at the Daul profile references and notice that all the FoE links are broken - did a quick look on its site but can't find. Any ideas?

  1. ↑ Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.

thanks, Melissa (my signature doesn't seem to be working?) --Melissa Jones 10:55, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

the FoE links arent working any more - apparently they've removed the related documents. the references are correct (double-checked). i thought that's why we had the last access dates on, in case they removed the pages. do you think it's a problem?

Barcin, sorry I realised I never replied on this issue - have been pondering it! Yes, you are right about the references last access dates etc. Very frustrating these have been removed though as most of the mep profiles have these refs. Is there absolutely no trace of this online anymore in an archived form?

Is your signature still not working? let me know, and i will follow up with bill. --Melissa Jones 17:33, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

query about category caps MEP DE GRÜNE‎

Hi Barcin, great work on all your updates - just wondering why the caps on this category and others rather than lowercase?

David Simon page

Hi Barcin, happy new year! Just trying to work out what's happened on the David Simon page as the renaming of this page has deleted the editing history ie it looks like a completely new page whereas it is actually quite old. I think you have also done this to at least one other page, need to doublecheck... can you please consult with me on these before doing anymore. thanks --Melissa Jones 14:05, 4 January 2011 (UTC)

--Barçın Uluışık 14:20, 4 January 2011 (UTC)

Hi Barcin - re your answer, it is too confusing to do it that way as for example if I do a normal search for David Simon, they still arrive at your renamed page which doesn't show the prior history. Better to use the 'move' function which keeps history intact, (see explanation below from help pages http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Powerbase:How_to_Redirect_a_Page).

"If you simply want to rename an article to a new title, please don't just paste it under the new name and make a redirect. This breaks the history of previous edits, and if there's a talk page it won't get moved automatically. Instead, use the Move page function, which keeps these things intact and makes a redirect for you. (More on: http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Powerbase:How_to_rename_a_pag

Would you mind please correcting also any other pages you may have done this too? Cheers! --Melissa Jones 14:34, 4 January 2011 (UTC)

re Dynamic Article code issue

Hi Barc, yes we've just recently updated the mediawiki version and unfortunately it's incompatible with the Dynamic Article list extension for recent changes. Works only for new pages, though is coded differently (as used on Main Page).--Melissa Jones (talk) 09:37, 6 October 2012 (CEST)