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==further reading==
==further reading==
Ivan Fallon, ''The Brothers: The Saatchi & Saatchi Story'' (Chicago: Contemporary 1989)
*Ivan Fallon, ''The Brothers: The Saatchi & Saatchi Story'' (Chicago: Contemporary 1989)
Kevin Goldman, ''Conflicting Accounts: The Creation and Crash of the Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising Empire'' (New York: Simon & Schuster 1997)
*Kevin Goldman, ''Conflicting Accounts: The Creation and Crash of the Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising Empire'' (New York: Simon & Schuster 1997)
Philip Kleinman, ''The Saatchi and Saatchi story'' (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1989)
*Philip Kleinman, ''The Saatchi and Saatchi story'' (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1989)
Alison Fendley's Saatchi & Saatchi: The Inside Story (New York: Arcade 1996).
*Alison Fendley Saatchi & Saatchi: The Inside Story (New York: Arcade 1996).
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1976 Saatchi merges with Compton UK
1976 Saatchi merges with Compton UK
1978 buys [[Hall Advertising]] (Edinburgh) for £1m
1978 buys [[Hall Advertising]] (Edinburgh) for
1978 unsuccessful bid for Collett Dickenson Pearce (London)
1978 unsuccessful bid for Collett Dickenson Pearce (London)
Line 82: Line 81:
1979 gains prominence in [[Margaret Thatcher]]'s election campaign
1979 gains prominence in [[Margaret Thatcher]]'s election campaign
1979 buys O'Kennedy-Brindley (Dublin) for £0.3m
1979 buys O'Kennedy-Brindley (Dublin) for .3m
1980 launches The Sales Promotion Agency
1980 launches The Sales Promotion Agency
1981 buys Dorland for £7m
1981 buys Dorland for
1982 buys Compton US for US$56.8m
1982 buys Compton US for US$56.8m
Line 110: Line 109:
1984 buys management consultancy The Hay Group for US$125m
1984 buys management consultancy The Hay Group for US$125m
1984 buys Hedger Mitchell Stark (London) for £3m
1984 buys Hedger Mitchell Stark (London) for
1985 buys Siegel & Gale
1985 buys Siegel & Gale
Line 126: Line 125:
1985 buys Sharps (UK)
1985 buys Sharps (UK)
1985 buys Granfield Rork Collins (London) for est £10m
1985 buys Granfield Rork Collins (London) for est
1985 buys Humphreys Bull & Barker
1985 buys Humphreys Bull & Barker
Line 160: Line 159:
1987 Zenith Media formed
1987 Zenith Media formed
1987 [[Broad Street Associates]] buys [[Financial Dynamics]] for £5m
1987 [[Broad Street Associates]] buys [[Financial Dynamics]] for
1989 Saatchi sells Peterson & Co
1989 Saatchi sells Peterson & Co
Line 168: Line 167:
1989 sells Gamma International software group for US$12m
1989 sells Gamma International software group for US$12m
1990 sells Hay Group to MBO for £48.2m
1990 sells Hay Group to MBO for .2m
1992 Terence Conran buys 25% stake in Fitch for £1m
1992 Terence Conran buys 25% stake in Fitch for
1994 sells 50% of CME KHBB to [[Interpublic]] for US$40m
1994 sells 50% of CME KHBB to [[Interpublic]] for US$40m
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1998 reports of approaches by [[WPP]], [[Interpublic]] and [[Omnicom]] not substantiated
1998 reports of approaches by [[WPP]], [[Interpublic]] and [[Omnicom]] not substantiated
1998 GGT sells [[Financial Dynamics]] to an MBO for £8m
1998 GGT sells [[Financial Dynamics]] to an MBO for
1999 US marketing group Lighthouse Holdings buys [[Financial Dynamics]] for £40m
1999 US marketing group Lighthouse Holdings buys [[Financial Dynamics]] for
1999 Lighthouse buys Fitch for £27m
1999 Lighthouse buys Fitch for
1999 Lighthouse buys UK marketing agency Communicator
1999 Lighthouse buys UK marketing agency Communicator
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1999 Cordiant takes majority stake in Bates Clarion Bombay, Calcutta and Delhi
1999 Cordiant takes majority stake in Bates Clarion Bombay, Calcutta and Delhi
2000 Codiant buys [[Lighthouse Global Network]] (inc [[Financial Dynamics]] and Fitch design agency) for £392m
2000 Codiant buys [[Lighthouse Global Network]] (inc [[Financial Dynamics]] and Fitch design agency) for
2000 buys The Leonhardt Group
2000 buys The Leonhardt Group
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2000 merges Communicator with 141 Worldwide to form 141 Communicator
2000 merges Communicator with 141 Worldwide to form 141 Communicator
2000 buys US e-business consultancy MicroArts Corp for £63m
2000 buys US e-business consultancy MicroArts Corp for
2000 buys Healthworld marketing for £113m
2000 buys Healthworld marketing for
2000 buys Verdino Bates Fernando of Argentina
2000 buys Verdino Bates Fernando of Argentina
2001 buys Bamber Forsyth corporate identity & design consultancy for £30m
2001 buys Bamber Forsyth corporate identity & design consultancy for
2001 buys 80% of German marketing consultancy InterCom
2001 buys 80% of German marketing consultancy InterCom
2001 Cordiant buys Bulletin International for £8.5m
2001 Cordiant buys Bulletin International for .5m
2001 buys [[Gallagher & Kelly Public Relations]] in Dublin for £5.6m
2001 buys [[Gallagher & Kelly Public Relations]] in Dublin for .6m
2003 sells 71% of Australian agency George Patterson Bates to venture capital firm Pacific Equity Partners for £40m?
2003 sells 71% of Australian agency George Patterson Bates to venture capital firm Pacific Equity Partners for ?
2003 [[WPP]] successfully bids for Cordiant
2003 [[WPP]] successfully bids for Cordiant

Revision as of 21:29, 12 December 2005