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*[[British United Industrialists]]
*[[British United Industrialists]] {{ref|BUI}}
*[[Labour Friends of Israel]]
*[[Labour Friends of Israel]]
#{{note|BUI}} Listed on headed notpaper of BUI as part of a letter sent in 1987, reproduced in Colin challen and Mike Hughes, In Defence of the Party: The secret State, the Conservative Party and dirty tricks, Wakefiled: Medium Publishing, 1996, p65-6.

Revision as of 09:51, 15 September 2006

Emmanuel Kaye is a long time pro-business and Zionist activist.



  1. ^ Listed on headed notpaper of BUI as part of a letter sent in 1987, reproduced in Colin challen and Mike Hughes, In Defence of the Party: The secret State, the Conservative Party and dirty tricks, Wakefiled: Medium Publishing, 1996, p65-6.