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Margaret Hemenway is a veteran congressional staffer and the the chief executive of the American Patriot Foundation, a groups started by her former boss, Sen. Bob Smith (R-NH).  
Margaret Hemenway is a veteran congressional staffer and the the chief executive of the American Patriot Foundation, a groups started by her former boss, Sen. Bob Smith (R-NH).<ref>Justin Elliot, [http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/04/birther_army_doc_gets_help_from_fmr_gop_insider_an.php Birther Army Doc Gets Help From Fmr. GOP Hill Staffer And Ex-Senator's Foundation], TPMMuckraker, 14 April 2010</ref>
*[[Center for Security Policy]] - Contributor to CSP front group [[Family Security Matters]]
*[[Center for Security Policy]] - Contributor to CSP front group [[Family Security Matters]]
*[[American Patriot Foundation]] - chief executive
*[[American Patriot Foundation]] - chief executive

Revision as of 23:19, 17 September 2010

Margaret Hemenway is a veteran congressional staffer and the the chief executive of the American Patriot Foundation, a groups started by her former boss, Sen. Bob Smith (R-NH).[1]

