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The Land Reform Policy Group was established in October 1997 to identify and assess proposals for land reform in rural Scotland, taking account of their cost, legislative and administrative implications and their likely impact on the social and economic development of rural communities and on the natural heritage. Consultation papers issued, February and July 1998. ‘Road show’ visits by the Group were open to all. Final report (‘Recommendations for Action’) January 1999. ‘Core members’ were as follows.

  • Lord Sewel (Chair) •Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries), Scottish Office Central government
  • Isabelle Low (Deputy chair) •Head, Land Use Division, Scottish Office Central government
  • Professor John Bryden •Arkleton Centre, University of Aberdeen Academic/research
  • Murray Elder •Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Scotland Central government

(now Lord Elder)

  • Alan Fraser •Enterprise and Tourism Division, Scottish Office Central government
  • Douglas Greig •Chief Economist, Agriculture, Environment and Fishers Department, Scottish Office Central government
  • David Henderson-Howat •Chief Conservator, Forestry Commission Central government
  • Joyce Lugton •Civil Law Division, Scottish Office Central government
  • Hugh MacDiarmid •Solicitor’s Office, Scottish Office Central government
  • John Randall •Head, Countryside and Natural Heritage Unit, Scottish Office Central government
  • Philip Rycroft •Head, Agricultural Policy Co-ordination and Rural Development Division,

Scottish Office Central government