Fight For Freedom Committee

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The Fight For Freedom Committee was an organisation launched in April 1941 to support US intervention in World War Two.[1] it was claimed as a British front in a report written that year by SOE agent Sydney Morrell.[2]


Executive Committee

Ulric Bell (Committee Chairman) | Ward Cheney | Harold Guinzburg | Conyers Read | James P. Warburg | Henry W. Hobson | Herbert Agar | Allen W. Dulles | Francis Pickens Miller | Henry P. Van Dusen | Katherine Gauss Jackson | Wayne Johnson | Dorothy Overlock | Marshall Field | Mac Kriendler[4]

Policy Committee

Mrs Calvin Coolidge | Herbert Agar | Burke Baker | Laird Bell | Henry B. Cabot | Mary Ellen Chase | Grenville Clarke | James B. Conant | William J. Donovan | Melvyn Douglas | Alen Dulles | Marshall Field | Richard M. Griffith | Harold Guinzburg | J.B.S. Hardman | Pierre Jay | Henry Goddard Leach | Dorothy Overlock | Clarence B. Randall | Conyers Read | Spyros Skouras | Dan Tobin | Henry P. Van Dusen | Sinclair Weeks | Walter White |[5]


Frank L. Rosenblum | A. Philip Randolph | Lousi Adamic | Maxwell Anderson | Edna Ferber | George S. Kaufman | Moss Hart | Russell Crouse | Marquis James | Lewis Mumford | Rex Stout | Van Wyck Brooks | Dorothy Parker | Ebdna St. Vincent Millay | Ethel Barrymore | Edward Arnold | Melvyn Douglas | Helen Gahagan | Peggy Conklin | Dorothy Stickney | Pedro de Cordoba | Ralph Morgan | Douglas Fairbanks | Janet Beecher | Henry Hull | Cass Canfield | Jay Franklin Carter | Robert S. Allen | John Farrar | Nicholas Roosevelt | Freda Kirchwey | Walter Millis | Lowell Thomas | Grenville Clark | C. M. Gile | James Speyer | LLoyd Paul Stryker | Roger Lapham | General John O'Ryan | James Gerard | E. Harold Cluett | Stanley Isaacs | Dorothy Kenyon | Edward S. Jouett | William J. Donovan | James B. Conant | William H. Standley


  1. Mark Lincoln Chadwin, The Hawks of World War II, University of North Carolina Press, 1968, pp.43-65.
  2. Thomas E. Mahl, Desperate Deception, Brassey's,1999, pp.23-24.
  3. Mark Lincoln Chadwin, The Hawks of World War II, University of North Carolina Press, 1968, p.165.
  4. Mark Lincoln Chadwin, The Hawks of World War II, University of North Carolina Press, 1968, p.169.
  5. Mark Lincoln Chadwin, The Hawks of World War II, University of North Carolina Press, 1968, p.170.