Deirdre Hutton

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From a biog on the Food Standards Agency Website:

DAME DEIRDRE HUTTON CBE became Chair of the Food Standards Agency in July 2005. She has served on a number of public bodies and has considerable experience of corporate governance, risk-based regulation and consumer policy. She is Vice-Chair of the European Food Safety Authority Management Board and Deputy Chair of the Financial Services Authority. For five years, she was Chair of the National Consumer Council, having formerly chaired the Scottish Consumer Council. Prior to her appointment at the Food Standards Agency, she was a member of the Better Regulation Task Force.
She has held a number of positions on bodies dealing with food issues, including Chair of the Foresight Panel on the Food Chain and Crops for Industry, Chair of the Food Chain Centre, and membership of the Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food (the Curry Commission).

The Food Standards Agency biog doesn't mention that Hutton is also an advisor to the Social Market Foundation the pro market think tank.

Deirdre Hutton joined the Financial Services Authority Board in December 1997 and was appointed Deputy Chair on 1 April 2004. She is Chair of the Food Standards Agency and Vice Chair of the European Food Safety Authority.
Formerly Deirdre was Chair of the National Consumer Council, the Scottish Consumer Council and the Personal Investment Authority Ombudsman Bureau. Deirdre was also a member of the Better Regulation Task Force until June 2005. [1]

Personal interests

From the FSA website:

Consultancies and/or direct employment

Deputy Chair, European Food Safety Authority Deputy Chair, Financial Services Authority

Thomas Hutton (son), research chemist, Tate & Lyle plc Nicholas Hutton (son), Researcher for Jo Swinson, MP


Shares in GlaxoSmithKline, Tesco, Unilever, BskyB, and Scottish Radio to a value of approximately £43,500

Close family members hold shares in GlaxoSmithKline, ICI, Tesco, Scottish & Newcastle, Unilever and Marks & Spencer to a value of approximately £88,000

Clubs and other organisations

Forum UK, a club for senior women in UK, some of whom are in the food and related industries

Other public appointments

Trustee of Picker Institute Europe, a charity devoted to enhancing the role of patients within medicine


  1. ^ The Financial Services Authority website, FSA About us Last viewed 01.02.07