Charles Douglas Jackson

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General Charles Douglas (C. D.) Jackson (16 March 1902 – 18 September 1964) was an expert on psychological warfare who served in the Office of Strategic Services in World War II and later as Special Assistant to the President in the Eisenhower administration.

Jackson was born in New York City. After graduation from Princeton University in 1924, he enter the private sector. In 1931 Jackson took a position with Time Inc. In 1940 he was President of the Council for Democracy. From 1942-1943 he served as special assistant to the Ambassador to Turkey. From 1943-45 he served with the OSS. From 1944 to 1945 he was Deputy Chief at the Psychological Warfare Division, SHAEF.[1]

After the war, he became Managing Director of Time-Life International from 1945-49. He then became publisher of Fortune Magazine. From 1951-52 he served as President of the anti-communist Free Europe Committee. He was a speech writer for Dwight Eisenhower's 1952 presidential campaign. He was assigned to be President Eisenhower's liaison between the newly created CIA and the Pentagon.

From February 1953 to March 1954, Jackson served as adviser to the President on psychological warfare.[2] He worked closely with the Psychological Strategy Board and was a member of the Operations Coordinating Board. He was also a member of the Committee on International Information Activities known, after its chairman William Jackson, as the Jackson Committee.[3]

During 1953 and 1954, C. D. Jackson was key in establishing the Bilderberg Group and ensuring American participation. He attended meetings of the group in 1957, 1958 and 1960.[4]

Jackson was an active defender of Radio Free Europe after the latter was accused in 1956 of having triggered the Hungarian rebellion. On November 12, he stated: “Over the years, Radio Free Europe has never, in a single broadcast or leaflet, deviated from its essential policy, and did not broadcast a single program during the recent Polish and Hungarian developments which could be described as an ‘incitement’ program.” Others argue that some of the broadcasts were inflammatory and penned by Hungarian emigres, and that they may have caused Soviet leaders to doubt Hungarian leader Imre Nagy’s managerial skills, fear the power vacuum in Hungary, and conclude that a second military invasion was necessary.[5][6]

He later served in a position at the United Nations. From 1958 to 1960 he served as a speechwriter and White House manager, after the departure of Sherman Adams and the death of John Foster Dulles. In 1960 he was publisher of Life magazine.


  1. Jackson, C. D. Papers, 1931-1967.
  2. Anthony Leviero (February 17, 1953) Eisenhower Picks a 'Cold War' Chief.  . pp. 16 "the appointment of C. D. Jackson, a New York City publisher, as adviser to the President on psychological warfare"
  3. Jackson, C.D.: Records, 1953-54.  Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library.
  4. Aubourg, Valerie Organizing Atlanticism: The Bilderberg group and the Atlantic Institute, 1952-1963.  . pp. 92–105
  5. Johanna Granville, "Caught With Jam on Our Fingers”: Radio Free Europe and the Hungarian Revolution in 1956,” Diplomatic History, vol. 29, no. 5 (2005): pp. 811-839.
  6. The First Domino: International Decision Making During the Hungarian Crisis of 1956.  Texas A & M University Press, College Station, Texas . ISBN 1585442984.

External links

  • [1] Papers of Marie McCrum (Secretary to C.D. Jackson), Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library