Difference between revisions of "California Theocratic Right-Wing"

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==Chart contents==
==Chart contents==
[[Newt Gingrich]] | [[Jack Kemp]]
[[Jeff coors]] | [[Joe Coors]] | [[James Dobson]] | [[John Doolittle]] | [[Newt Gingrich]] | [[Jack Kemp]] | [[Dan Lungren]] | [[Mark Rushdoony]] | [[John Stoos]] | [[Randy Tomasson]] | [[Paul Weyrich]] |
[[Aryan Nation]] | [[California Independent Businesses PAC]] | [[Capitol Resource Institute]] | [[Chalcedon Inc.]] | [[Charismatic Council on Theology]] | [[Christian Manifesto]] | [[Citizens for Excellence in Education]] | [[Claremont Institute]] | [[Coalition on Revival]] | [[Container Supply Co.]] | [[Council for National Policy]] | [[Crosswinds Magazine]] | [[Focus on the Family]] | [[Free Congress Foundation]] | [[Heritage Foundation]] | [[John Birch Society]] | [[National Association of Religious Broadcasters]] | [[National Empowerment TV]] | [[Reason Foundation]] | [[Rutherford Institute]] | [[Salem Communications]] | [[Traditional Values Coalition]] | [[United States Justice Foundation]] | [[Western Center for Law and Religious Freedom]] | [[Young Americans for Freedom]] | [[Young Republicans Federation]] |
[[Aryan Nation]] | [[California Independent Businesses PAC]] | [[Capitol Resource Institute]] | [[Chalcedon Inc.]] | [[Charismatic Council on Theology]] | [[Christian Manifesto]] | [[Citizens for Excellence in Education]] | [[Claremont Institute]] | [[Coalition on Revival]] | [[concerned women for America]] | [[Container Supply Co.]] | [[Council for National Policy]] | [[Crosswinds Magazine]] | [[Focus on the Family]] | [[Free Congress Foundation]] | [[Heritage Foundation]] | [[John Birch Society]] | [[National Association of Religious Broadcasters]] | [[National Empowerment TV]] | [[Reason Foundation]] | [[Rutherford Institute]] | [[Salem Communications]] | [[Traditional Values Coalition]] | [[United States Justice Foundation]] | [[Western Center for Law and Religious Freedom]] | [[Young Americans for Freedom]] | [[Young Republicans Federation]] |

Revision as of 19:22, 8 May 2011