Børge Brende

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Børge Brende

Role Within in the World Economic Forum

Managing Director.[1]


Børge Brende received his BA from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.[2]


Børge Brende held the government posts of Minister of the Environment, 2001 to 2004, and Minister of Trade and Industry, 2004 to 2005. He has also been a member of the Norwegian parliament for more then 10 years.

Børge's political career began with his participation in the Norwegian Young Conservatives, becoming Political Secretary to the chairman in 1985. From 1986 to 1987, he was Political Adviser to the Conservative Party Chairman and parliamentary group. In 1988 he was elected as the Chairman of the Norwegian Young Conservatives. Between 1990 and 1992 he was CFO, KB Entreprenør, a Norwegian contracting firm.

In 1992 he became a full time member of the City of Trondheims Municipal Executive Board, and Chairman, Conservative party group, Trondheim City Council. In 1994 he was elected deputy Chairman of the Norwegian Conservative party and was member of the Storting, the Norwegian parliament, from 1997 to 2007. He served as member of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs and deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment

In 2005 he took up the appointment of International Vice Chairman of the China Council for the International Cooperation on Environment and Development (advisory board to the State Council), adding to his record of committee work on issues ranging from sustainable development to promoting democracy. Børge served as Chairman of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development 2003-204.

Børge joined the World Economic Forum as Managing Director in January 2008.[3]
