Im Tirtzu

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Im Tirtzu is a zionist group founded in Israel in 2006, in the wake of the second Lebanon War.[1] The group describes its aims as follows:

Im Tirtzu's main objectives focus on working towards a renewal of the Zionist discourse, Zionist thinking and Zionist ideology, to ensure the future of the Jewish nation and of the State of Israel and to advance Israeli society in coping with the challenges it faces. A major portion of Im Tirtzu's efforts is devoted to combating the campaign of de-legitimization against the State of Israel and to providing responses to Post-Zionist and Anti-Zionist phenomena.[1]



Advisory Board

Funding and Finances

For a time Im Tirtzu received funding from Christians United for Israel.[4] However, in response to criticism from within the American Jewish community, CUFI has since tried to distance itself from the Israeli right, stating in 2010 that only five per cent of its budget was allocated to the settlements and that it had stopped working with Im Tirtzu.[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 About Us, Im Tirtzu], accessed 22 July 2012.
  2. Staff, Im Tirtzu, accessed 22 July 2012.
  3. Advisory Board, Im Tirtzu], accessed 22 July 2012.
  4. J Street website J Street on Christians United for Israel. Accessed 13 October 2015.
  5. Nathan Guttman, The Biggest Pro-Israel Group in America? That’s Us, Says Christians United, Forward, 8 December 2010, accessed 13 October 2015