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eBulletin – August

This is the August edition of Compass eBulletin – and we've got a packed few months coming up. Read below for details of our AGM on the 9th of

September, news about the Compass Programme for Renewal, our latest thinkpieces, updates on our events at Labour conference, a campaigns update, recent press coverage and much more. For daily news, views and debate from the democratic left visit the Compass website at <a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk">


>> Ken Livingstone to address Compass AGM

We're delighted to confirm that the Mayor of London Ken Livingstone will be giving a major keynote speech at the Compass AGM on Saturday 9 of September taking place in the Bevin Suite, Local Government House, Smith Square, London. The AGM is free to attend but only open to members of Compass.

<a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk/join.asp">Click here to join Compass to attend the AGM</a>
<a href="mailto:gavin@compassonline.org.uk">Click here if you're already a member and wish to register for the AGM</a>

>> Compass Programme for Renewal to be launched next month

For the last year, Compass has been engaging in a process of wide-ranging and long-term policy review. We have commissioned thinkpieces, interviewed leading thinkers, invited views from members online and at events, talked to NGOs and think tanks, held seminars and formed three working groups with over a hundred academics, policy thinkers and practitioners involved to debate the issues. When we started we called this our “manifesto” process. But a manifesto sounds like it has all the answers. We know that we don’t. Policy development needs to be ongoing and open to discussion and debate. So we are now calling the process the Compass Programme for Renewal.

<a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk/news_comments.asp?n=183">Click here for full details of the Programme for Renewal</a>

>> New thinkpieces published on sustainable energy and assets (download for free)

Two new thinkpieces are now available. The first looks at sustainable energy by Hugh Goulbourne. The second by Stuart White is on assets who says "While there is a lively academic debate about the exact nature and extent of the so-called ‘asset-effect’, there is a large body of empirical research which is consistent with these claims about the impact of wealth on personal freedom”.

<a href="http://clients.squareeye.com/uploads/compass/ctp11energyhughgoulbourne.pdf">Click here for Compass thinkpiece 11: sustainable energy</a>
<a href="http://clients.squareeye.com/uploads/compass/ctp12assetsstuartwhite.pdf">Click here for Compass thinkpiece 12: assets</a>

>> Take part in our Energy Review consultation

Since we launched our energy review survey last week over 250 people have responded. We would urge you to take the time to complete the survey (the deadline is Monday 4 September). Please complete the survey today – it will take just 3-5 minutes of your time.

<a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk/surveys/august_2006.asp">Click here now to complete the survey</a>
<a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk/news_comments.asp?n=172">Click here for the full story</a>

>> High-profile line up of speakers announced for Labour conference

Next month at Labour conference in Manchester Compass will stage 4 major fringe events. High profile speakers confirmed so far include Neal Lawson; the T&mp;Gs Tony Woodley; journalist John Harris; the Independent's Steve Richards;Ed Miliband MP; the Guardian's Polly Toynbee; Jon Trickett MP; Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt; POWER's Pam Giddy and John Denham MP. All our events are free and open to all to attend (outside the secure island) and take place at the Town Hall in Albert Square.

<a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk/events.asp">Click here for full details of our events</a>

>> Make Child Benefit Count says Compass

This week Compass gave its support to the Make Child Benefit Count Campaign, a coalition of organisations, charities and voluntary groups lobbying Government to get the rate of Child Benefit increased and payable at the same rate for each child. Check it out at <a href="http://www.makechildbenefitcount.org"> www.makechildbenefitcount.org</a>.

>> New discussion pamphlets on future of trade unions, renewing the Labour Party and NHS

Over the next next three months Compass will publish three new discussion pamphlets on the future of trade unions; renewing the Labour Party and the NHS. These will be sent to all Compass members for free.

<a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk/join.asp">Click here to join Compass and ensure you get all three for free</a>

>> Commercialisation of childhood campaign- we want your views

We’re working with a broad coalition to pull together evidence demonstrating the ways children, young people and families suffer as a direct result of the commercialisation of childhood. Product Placement in films; television programmes; spin-offs; text messaging; cool games; pop-ups on the internet – marketeers are coming up with ever more ingenious methods to infuse children’s lives with advertising messages. But at what price? The child-oriented market in the UK is worth £30billion, but more costly than that is the impact constant exposure to marketing messages have on children’s desires and values, shaping the way they see the world and themselves. Engulfed with images of how they should look and be and what they should own, children struggle to keep up resulting in higher rates of depression and low self esteem, and, of course, conflict in families when parents have to say no.

Your experiences and opinions to back up evidence that we have and to encourage us to look at things in different ways will strengthen this project. To add your voice and to tell of your experiences and opinions e-mail Zoe at <a href="mailto:zoe@compassonline.org.uk">zoe@compassonline.org.uk</a>.

>> Latest articles by Neal Lawson and Jon Trickett in The Guardian

In his latest Guardian article Jon Trickett says "This democratic impotence is a world away from 1997" who writes on the need for Parliament to have greater powers to hold the government to account. And Neal Lawson argues "Brown should look again at a shift to a graduate tax". You can comment on these on the Compass website.

<a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk/news_comments.asp?n=180">Click here for Jon Trickett's article</a>
<a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk/news_comments.asp?n=177">Click here for Neal Lawson's article</a>

>> Total Recall

Last month Jon Trickett chair of the 50 strong Compass group of Labour MPs initiated a campaign to recall Parliament to discuss the on-going crisis in the Middle East. Over 101 Labour MPs supported the call as well as the Mayor of London, six union general secretaries and numerous agencies including Oxfam. It is almost beyond belief that in a modern democracy Parliamentarians cannot decide when national or international events demand a recall.

<a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk/news_comments.asp?n=176">Click here to read more</a>

>> Renewal Roadshow update

Coinciding with the launch of the Compass Programme for Renewal we are organising events to take place in the autumn in Glasgow; Newcastle; Manchester; Leeds; Swansea; Nottingham and Bristol. These debates will take place on early weekday evenings and are free to attend. Full details will be announced in due course.

>> Join Compass today and make a real difference

The UK's fastest growing left-of-centre pressure group is leading the debate on the key issues and challenges facing the democratic left – making the positive case for a more equal and democratic world. Now is the time to join. New members will be entitled to:

  • attend our AGM on the 9th of September for free.
  • receive all our new discussion pamphlets including on the future of the unions, renewing the Labour Party and NHS.
  • get sent the Compass Programme for Renewal books: The Good Society; A New Political Economy and Democracy and the Public Realm.
<a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk/join.asp">Click here for full details of how and why you should join Compass</a>

>> News from other progressives


The new edition of Renewal is out now. The issue looks at Crime and Punishment with articles from Robert Reiner and Hilary Cottam. Other contributors in the new issue include Colin Burgon and Louise Bamfield. For a free sample copy please email <a href="mailto:neal.lawson@btinternet.com">neal.lawson@btinternet.com</a>.


The Hidden Agendas website has now been updated with new articles including one by Compass's Miranda Grell a councillor in Leyton. Hidden Agendas is where young people go for political opinion, debate and action. Visit the site at <a href="http://www.hiddenagendas.org.uk">www.hiddenagendas.org.uk</a>.


Social Europe Vol 2 Issue 1 – OUT NOW! With Stephen Haseler's controversial argument why Europe needs 'neo-protectionism'. Social Europe is available to download for free at <a href="http://www.social-europe.com">www.social-europe.com</a>.


Tuesday 19th September 7 for 7.30pm Tooks Chambers. For further details please see:
<a href="http://www.sarahstrang.com/tooksindex2.htm">http://www.sarahstrang.com/tooksindex2.htm</a>. Please rsvp to <a href="mailto:sarah@sarahstrang.com"> sarah@sarahstrang.com</a> by Friday 8th September.


The next Future of Socialism, September 16th 2006, GrimsbyTown Hall. Tickets are available for £10 online from <a href="http://www.fabians.org.uk"> www.fabians.org.uk</a> or email <a href="mailto:hannah.jameson@fabian-society.org.uk">hannah.jameson@fabian-society.org.uk</a> for more information.

Gavin Hayes
National Organiser
Compass – direction for the democratic left
Southbank House
Black Prince Road
t: +44 (0)20 7463 0633
m: +44 (0)7900 195591
e: <a href="mailto:gavin@compassonline.org.uk">gavin@compassonline.org.uk</a>
w: <a href="http://www.compassonline.org.uk">www.compassonline.org.uk</a>

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" – Gandhi