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Spin Profiles

Spin Profiles is a website which contains an extensive collection of data on spin, propaganda, think tanks, front groups, PR consultancies, 'Fake Persuaders', industry friendly experts and corporate lobby groups.

Propaganda, Conflict and War

Propaganda | Terror Experts and institutions | Middle East Watch | Focus on Latin America | Neoconservative networks | Counterinsurgency | Israel Lobby | The Conflict in the North of Ireland | Iraq War 2003 | Targetting Iran

Power Elites

Industry sectors

Lobbying, Public relations and Spin

Tag and Category Cloud

<tagcloud> min_count=34 exclude=browse </tagcloud>

Can you help?

Spinprofiles is a collaborative venture initiated by Spinwatch in collaboration with Lobbywatch, GM Watch Red Star Research and Corporate Watch, but put into effect by a wide variety of volunteers and independent researchers. It can be made more effective if more people join the project. If you have research or writing skills or just spare time, you can help. Please get in touch.

Spinprofiles priorities

Priority profiles: a list of organisations that spin profiles would like contributors to help with.

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