Engaging with the Islamic World

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The Engaging with the Islamic World Group (EIWG) has the task of promoting understanding of British foreign policy abroad, but also has a domestic role in tackling extremism and building an understanding of Islam in Britain. Its activities appear to overlap with the Islamic Media Unit.

The 2003-04 Report of the overarching Global Opportunities Fund describes the programme as follows:

The Engaging with the Islamic World programme was created to support the FCO role in a cross-government strategy for constructive engagement with the Islamic world and the promotion of peaceful political and economic reform in Arabic countries…the programme's main purpose is to support indigenous led change and to encourage a greater understanding and partnership between Islamic countries and the West.
The activities supported by the programme are divided into three areas: good governance, rule of law and the participation of women. In 2003-04, the programme focussed on the Middle East and North Africa, although it is now projected to expand its coverage outside the region. In 2003-04 projects were supported in Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Yemen[1].


The annual Budget of the Engaging with the Islamic World Group was £1.52 million, which has been increased to £4 million for 2004-05 and is rose to £8.5 million a year from 2005-06 to 2007-08.[2]


  • Deputy Director 2006: Andrew Jackson, deputy director
  • British Ambassador to the Lebanese Republic Frances Guy was previosly head of Engaging with the Islamic World Group (EIWG)


  1. Foreign and Commonwealth Office , Global Opportunities Fund Annual Report 2003-4, Cm 6413, December 2004, p 53
  2. Foreign and Commonwealth Office , Global Opportunities Fund Annual Report 2003-4, Cm 6413, December 2004, p 53