Sean McFate

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Sean McFate has been a mercenary and a member of the US military. He is married to the counterinsurgenncy anthropologist Montgomery McFate and adviser to the Human Terrain System and his mother Mary McFate was a spy on the gun control lobby in the US.

Sean McFate is the son of Mary Lou Sapone (a.k.a. Mary McFate), who infiltrated the U.S. gun control movement on behalf of the National Rifle Association for 15 years. Sean McFate, a Brown-and Harvard-educated paratrooper, and his wife, Montgomery McFate, a controversial Pentagon adviser, had once both worked for Mary Lou Sapone's business, which specialized, according to an old version of Montgomery's resume, in "domestic and internal opposition research" and "special investigations.[1]"

Bipartisan Policy Centre Resignation

McFate was a program director of the national security initiative at the Bipartisan Policy Center, a Washington think tank boasting an advisory board composed of four former Senate majority leaders: Howard Baker, Bob Dole, George Mitchell, and Tom Daschle. Sean McFate resigned shorty after an article in Mother Jones revealing his connections to his mother's activities. The BPC denied there was a link between the article and the resignation.[2]".
