Sian Jarvis

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Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.

Sian Jarvis is group director of communications and public affairs at Asda, a position she took up in November 2011 after 12 years at the UK's Department for Health (DoH). She had been the DoH's director-general for communications since 2004. [1]

Revolving door

According to the Daily Mail, Jarvis left the DoH 'amid rumours of infighting as Health Secretary Andrew Lansley attempted to introduce reforms'.

Last night an Asda spokeswoman said the Cabinet Office had cleared Ms Jarvis’s appointment.

She said: ‘Sian’s appointment has been scrutinised by the business appointments committee in the normal way. It is satisfied there is no conflict of interest and has cleared her. There is a two-year ban on lobbying Ministers that applies to all senior civil servants, which safeguards against any potential conflicts.’[1]




  1. 1.0 1.1 [1], Daily, 13 November 2011, acc Nov 2011