Pegida Denmark

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Pegida Denmark, also known as Pegidadk is the Danish incarnation of the German PEGIDA movement, reportedly led by Nicolai Sennels.[1]


A protest was held in Copenhagen on 19 January 2015, attended by approximately 150 people. An estimated fours times that many held a counter-demonstration. Researcher Linda Pershing who attended the event noted the irony of the Pegida Denmark protesters singing a song entitled 'Til ungdommen' ('For the Youth'), by Norwegian poet and writer Nordahl Grieg, which has often been performed at memorial ceremonies for the 77 people killed by Islamophobic mass murderer Anders Behring Brevik.[1]


According to Pershing:

While public pronouncements (including websites and posters at rallies) by Pegidadk members emphasize 'no to violence and racism' and opposition to 'fundamentalist Islam', [Pegida Denmark leader, Nicolai] Sennels' profound xenophobia regarding Muslims, as well as Denmark's long (but not widely recognized) history of anti-immigrant traditions, betray disturbing connections to a history of racism and xenophobia in Danish cultural life'.[1]



At least three associated social media accounts:


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Linda Pershing, First Anti-Islam March by Pegida Movement Fizzles in Denmark, TruthOut, 29 January 2015