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Every new development for a supermakets needs planning permission and the developer/supermarket must submite a planning applicaitons to the relevant local authority.  This application must be made public by the local authority and members of the public should have the opportunity to make a case against the development (Source: Corporatewatch)[[http://www.corporatewatch.org.uk/?lid=2370]]
Every new development for a supermakets needs planning permission and the developer/supermarket must submite a planning applicaitons to the relevant local authority.  This application must be made public by the local authority and members of the public should have the opportunity to make a case against the development (Source: Corporatewatch)[[http://www.corporatewatch.org.uk/?lid=2370]]
This may all sound fine but 'the planning system in Great Britain, which at first sight looks orderly, well balanced and fair, is thoroughly rigged...the imbalances in the system are used by corporations to devastating effect. Distortions in the planning process are among the most potent means by which they ensure that their needs are met, even when they conflict directly with the public'. (Monbiot,2001:129)
This may all sound fine but 'the planning system in Great Britain, which at first sight looks orderly, well balanced and fair, is thoroughly rigged...the imbalances in the system are used by corporations to devastating effect. Distortions in the planning process are among the most potent means by which they ensure that their needs are met, even when they conflict directly with the public'. (Monbiot,2001:129) In every other country in the European Union local people who disagree with a council’s decision to approve a development can use the planning system to object to it.  In Britain, by contrast, only developers can appeal against a council’s decision. It’s a gross imbalance, which is never more evident than in cases where the council ignores its own local plan, approved after months of public consultation, and grants planning permission for a development which no-one had envisioned.  In these cases, all local people are entitled to do, short of taking the drastic and often ruinous route of legal action, is to ask the Secretary of State for the Environment to override the local authority and ‘call in’ the decision. Unfortunately, secretaries of state will do anything for a quiet life. Aware that every case they handle carries an enormous burden of paperwork, they tend to call in as few applications as possible. (Monbiot,2001:130)
=== References ===
=== References ===

Revision as of 04:52, 27 April 2006

Overview of the Planning System

1. Lobbying of Government(Marianne)

Lobbying is used in influencing legislation and all kinds of government decisions. It is for this reason that lobbying is of particular use to supermarkets who need the government on their side. Lobbying companies today have access to extensive files on politicians and other influential people, this way they know who best to approach and in what way in order to further a campaign. It is a known fact that there is a very close relationship between the government and PR companies. Many top lobbyists begin their careers working in political circles and many top PR people have worked in the government. They use the skills they have learned to create favourable public images in the media for large companies and supermarkets. Between 1995 and 2000 one fifth of local shops and services were lost including post-offices, banks, butchers, grocers. Furthermore over five years to 2002, around 50 specialist stores are closed every week. (http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=21&query=bye+bye+high+street#byebye.)

These businesses are closing because superstores such as Asda and Tesco are offering more choice to consumers.  They are selling almost everything you could need from food, electrical equipment to clothes and garden furniture.  Consumers do not have to shop anywhere else.  Many of the small and local businesses would like to see the government take more responsibility for what is happening, however, even the government is under the thumb of these large supermarkets. One way in which supermarkets are gaining this much power is through lobbyist groups set up to influence the government and prevent decisions going against them.  For example in July 2005, Asda representatives visited the deputy prime minister at number 10 to urge the government to “change the test used by competition authorities so that it can open up new space to compete directly with Tesco.” (http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=2357).  It has also been reported that Lord Sainsbury lobbied the government to soften its line on supermarket development. More of these examples will be discussed below.

Asda is an example of a large superstore that has taken advantage of its’ position to gain influence over the government and its’ decisions. It became a subsidiary of Wal-Mart in 1999 and is currently the second largest chain in the UK after Tesco. Asda’s turnover is not disclosed but based on market share it is thought to be in excess on £15 billion. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASDA). In 2002 Asda supplied £2 million in sponsorship to the Commonwealth Games in Manchester. This coincided with the building of a new Asda Wal-Mart super centre on the site next to the stadium. (http://archive.corporatewatch.org/profiles/asda/asda4.htm). Asda has many links with government; especially the Conservative party through the former chief executive of Asda, Archie Norman who subsequently became a Tory MP and was also said to be a close advisor to William Hague. While Norman chaired Asda in the mid-nineties, the supermarket offered hundreds of thousands of pounds to Manchester City Council for a piece of land in an effort to prevent rival Kwik Save building a store there. (http://archive.corporatewatch.org/profiles/asda/asda4.htm). Many cases go on like this where large companies and supermarkets pay for things to go their way and the government accepts this. Another example according to Ethical Consumer Magazine is that Wal-Mart donated $630,000 to George Bush’s 2000 election campaign and also gave a small amount to the Democrats. Before Wal-Mart tried to move Super centres into New England they hired a PR firm to implement a public relations campaign in order to provide a positive image of Wal-Marts making it known to the public and the media that they will have a positive impact. Also Asda uses a PR company called ‘Communique’ who works in public relations trying to create a better image for Asda stores in the UK. Asda, along with many other supermarkets is a member of the British Retail Consortium (BRC), which “exists to speak for the retail industry and develop a range of ways for the industry to improve its performance.” (http://archive.corporatewatch.org.profiles/asda/asda4.htm). This group also lobbies the European government. In 2002 the BRC set up a ‘Retail Strategy Group’, the aim of the group is for “the retail industry and the UK government to work in partnership to identify key issues that impact on the competitiveness and productivity of the UK retail sector, and together take action to maximise opportunities for, and minimise threats to, UK retailers.” (http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=802). Lastly Asda is also a member of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) who is the ‘premier lobbying organisation for UK businesses on national and international issues.’ They work with the UK government and legislators “to help UK businesses compete effectively.” (http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=802). It is clear from these examples, of which there are many others, that Asda and Wal-mart by being part of these lobbying groups are one step closer to government and therefore one step closer to influencing legislation and policies which could otherwise have negative consequences for them. Another way that Asda cleverly promotes to the government and to consumers that they are a positive organisation trying to do good is through influencing education. It is well known that Asda targets schools, encouraging teachers to bring the children to the stores to promote healthy living. This is seen as an educational experience for the kids. Examples of Asda having particular influence over education is through the programmes such as “the Big Read” in 1999 where they supplied book donations to libraries and schools. Also in 2001 a project was set up called “the Big Eat” where children were taken on a trail around the store. This undoubtedly encourages parents to shop in Asda and also makes them look like they are promoting healthy living for kids. In 2004 ASDA started up an employee-training scheme in which employees gain a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ). This is of particular use to the government as this helps the government in trying to meet their target number of young people in apprenticeships. From these examples it could be argued that Asda is taking on the responsibilities of government in encouraging children to eat healthily, better people’s qualifications and so on. This puts them at a much favourable advantage with the government.

Tesco is another corporation renowned for having a sizeable influence over government. It is suggested, “Tesco has a bit of a problem with national and European regulation, and through lobby groups and close links with the government, has sought to loosen restrictive regulation.” (http://archive.corporatewatch.org/profiles/tesco/tesco3.htm#govt).

In 2003, Tesco made contributions of £44,713 in the form of sponsorship for political events.  The Labour party received £14,368; Conservative party £5,502 and the Liberal Democrat Party £6,340.  However, during 2003 Tesco claimed to have made no political donations at all. (http://archive.corporatewatch.org/profiles/tesco/tesco3.htm#govt). 

Tesco was also a sponsor of the Millennium Dome, putting in £12 million. It was reported at the time that a lobbying firm working for Tesco to block plans for a tax on shopping centre car parks suggested that the £12 million donation was put forward for a government project in order to side with Labour at the time. There has been many cases where Tesco have went out their way to support various governmental projects and schemes, not likely because they want to support the government but more likely that they want the government to support them when it comes to policy making decisions and legislations that could work in their favour. It has also been reported that Tesco are keen to employ former government officials. In 2001, Tesco paid Philip Gould, one of Tony Blair’s political advisors to help reorganise its publicity, media and lobbying operation. (http://archive.corporatewatch/org/profiles/tesco/tesco3.htm#govt). Tesco also hired Tony Blair’s private secretary, David North to take on a post dealing with corporate social responsibility. There have been many more cases where Tesco have employed government officials. This obviously works in Tesco’s favour. Tesco, like Asda is a member of various lobby groups such as the ‘Freight Transport Association’ which campaigns against, for example restrictions on lorries travelling through residential areas at night, against constraints on the size of lorries and for increases in the speed limit for large lorries on small country roads. All of which if passed would have a positive impact for Tesco. Tesco are also influential within the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), which is one of Britain’s biggest business lobby groups. From looking at both examples of Asda and Tesco and the way they manage to influence government decisions it may be argued that even the government cannot rupture the power of the supermarkets.

2. Relationships with Local Councils (Morag)

Every new development for a supermakets needs planning permission and the developer/supermarket must submite a planning applicaitons to the relevant local authority. This application must be made public by the local authority and members of the public should have the opportunity to make a case against the development (Source: Corporatewatch)[[1]]

This may all sound fine but 'the planning system in Great Britain, which at first sight looks orderly, well balanced and fair, is thoroughly rigged...the imbalances in the system are used by corporations to devastating effect. Distortions in the planning process are among the most potent means by which they ensure that their needs are met, even when they conflict directly with the public'. (Monbiot,2001:129) In every other country in the European Union local people who disagree with a council’s decision to approve a development can use the planning system to object to it. In Britain, by contrast, only developers can appeal against a council’s decision. It’s a gross imbalance, which is never more evident than in cases where the council ignores its own local plan, approved after months of public consultation, and grants planning permission for a development which no-one had envisioned. In these cases, all local people are entitled to do, short of taking the drastic and often ruinous route of legal action, is to ask the Secretary of State for the Environment to override the local authority and ‘call in’ the decision. Unfortunately, secretaries of state will do anything for a quiet life. Aware that every case they handle carries an enormous burden of paperwork, they tend to call in as few applications as possible. (Monbiot,2001:130)


^ Corporate Watch. Supermarkets and the Planning System [[2]]

^ Mobiot, G (2001). 'Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain', Pan MacMillan, London, UK

3. Corporate Social Responsibility activities (Mandy)

In today’s economy it is estimated that the five largest supermarkets in Britain now sell 70% of all food sold, and that roughly 30p of every pound spent in Britain is spent in a supermarket.** Groceries are also not the only thing that supermarkets are selling these days. They have moved on to incorporate other specialist retailers and there products into there store to make a literal “one stop shop.” Shoppers can know find pharmacies, drycleaners, post offices, banks, tax filing services, and even photography studios all lumped together. Wal-Mart, owner of Asda and America’s largest hypermarket, profits are five times higher in non-food sales than in food sales.** This is due to there extensive clothing, athletics, automotive, appliances, and home decor lines. Supermarkets today have a tremendous influence on their buying customers lives. Looking at the reversal of this, the customers have also come to demand certain values from the stores that they do business with. Today corporate social responsibility plays an important role in almost any business operating in the global market. Supermarkets are no exception. As they have come under fire the last few years, supermarkets have started to make an attempt to change their practices so that they are bettering not only the customers but the community as well. Issues like fair trade, the community, and the environment have seemed to become the most focused on by both the shopping community and the supermarkets themselves.

Fair trade is the idea that business should be conducted most directly with the individual farmers and artisans that produce the products which the companies sell. By doing this it is believed that artisans and farmers will be paid a fair wage for the products that they produce. When this idea is discussed most usually believe that it only pertains to people in third-world countries, but many supermarkets in the United Kingdom are also working with local area farmers. Research by Mintel group shows that British shoppers have a strong preference for buying locally grown and produced items like meat, fruit, and vegetables. They found that people liked the idea of supporting their local community and at the same time receiving the freshest quality of products. In response to this all of the major supermarkets have started to carry fair trade and locally produced items. Tesco boast that it buys over “1.5 million euros worth of goods per annum from some 800 Irish companies, over 80% of which are small to medium sized enterprises.”** While this year Asda has launched their new program called the “Four Point Pledge to Dairy Farmers.” Asda boast that it is now paying its dairy farmers five pence more per liter of milk that it’s competitors. They say that “were committed to paying our farmers a fair price every day for their milk.”** In this campaign Asda also boast that it practices a form of “transparent pricing” in which they actually tell the consumers how much they are paying the farmers for the products that they buy which is something that most supermarkets do not do. The idea of fair trade, although quiet good in theory, has also come under certain backfire. Many farmers still believe that the supermarkets are still not paying farmers enough for there produce. John Turner who is a founding member of FARM said that; “Tesco’s commitment to sources as much UK produce as possible means very little unless there is an equal commitment to maintain fair & sustainable prices paid to farmers. Supermarkets have to recognize that there is a point at which their methods of continually driving down suppliers’ margins have a negative impact on farming methods and animal welfare standards.”** FARM and other grass roots organizations have been making an effort to not only get higher prices for what they produce, but to also educate the public so that they know what’s going on.

Another area which shoppers have demanded supermarkets take on an idea of corporate social responsibility is concerning the environment. Issues like recycling, emissions, and energy usage have all been tackled by the major supermarket chains in the last few years. Supermarket Tesco states in its Statement on Current Corporate Social Responsibility that its reusable plastic crates, also know as green trays, have lead to the elimination of 36 tons of secondary waste packaging every year.** Tesco, as well as Asda, also provides recycling facilities at nearly all of there stores so that shoppers my bring there recycling to them. When it comes to the issue of food waste Sainsbury’s participates in a program in which it’s out of date food is donated to local charity groups. Coming under considerable fire after the release of Wal-Mart the Movie: High Cost at Low Prices, Asda’s parent owner started a campaign in the United States where that by 2015 it shipping tucks would be equipped to double there fuel efficiency. It is said that this will be achieved by adding side skirts to make the trucks more aerodynamic and by giving them larger back tiers to make them more efficient so that they will consume less diesel fuel.** Other Supermarket chains have insisted that by striving to buy locally that they were able to reduce there emissions by not having to ship products over long distances resulting in high emissions for the shipping and waste from the extra packaging that is evolved. Wal-Mart also equips all of there stores with sky lights as a way of reducing the amount of energy they use to light their buildings. Supermarkets are still not in the clear though as chains like Tesco and Asda have both come under considerable fire for there building practices which many people believe hurt the environment.

Probably the most important issue that supermarkets have had to deal with concerning social responsibility is their effects on the communities in which they build their stores. It has been estimated when a supermarket opens it effects or closes village shops within a seven mile radius, as well as cause around 276 people to loose there full time employment positions.** 2001 reports showed that for every one pound spent at a local village shop the equivalent was generated for the local economy. Where as for every one pound spent at an Asda store on 14 pence was generated.** This issue has not only been a problem in rural areas in villages, but in larger city centers as well since supermarkets are now opening local quick stores on high traffic streets. To combat the negative response they have received from the public each supermarket chains has started their own massive community campaign. Tesco states that, “[w]hen proposing a new store development it is our policy to actively develop community relation, anticipating and addressing local concern [.]”** They claim that they will work closely with local city councils to make adapt their supermarkets to how they will fit best in the community. Another way in which Tesco stores are trying to show communities that they care is through there Computer for Schools Scheme. With this program schools can collect school vouchers in-store and then redeem them for computer equipment.** Other companies have also started a “charity of the year” program in which the supermarkets endorse charities that provide support for children, education, healthcare, and the elderly or disabled. Supermarkets hope that by doing these things they will be able to gain more customer loyalty and support which would allow them to expand their business.

4. Local resistance and its success(Cecilia)

Asda has vowed to reassess its seafood policies after a campaign by Greenpeace earlier this week. Protestors from the NGO scaled the supermarket's Leeds headquarters and hung a banner highlighting destructive fishing practices, while others toured the city with mobile advertising, before being invited by the company to discuss the issues.

As a result of the meeting, Adsa has agreed to produce a public policy on how it sources sustainable seafood in the next six weeks. Additionally, skate, dogfish, Dover sole and ling have been removed from its shelves immediately, with decisions pending on swordfish and marlin in the coming weeks. http://www.greenconsumerguide.com/index.php?news=2956
