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== Members ==
== Members ==
* [[Adam Smith Institute]], UK
* [[Adam Smith Institute]], UK [[Adam Smith Society]], Italy [[Adriatic Institute for Public Policy]] [[Albanian Liberal Institute]], Albania [[Anders Chydenius Foundation]], Finland [[Association for Liberal Thinking]], Turkey [[Association for Modern Economy]], Macedonia [[Avenir Suisse]], Switzerland [[Bertil Ohlin Institute]], Sweden [[Bulgaria Society for Individual Liberty]], Bulgaria [[Causa Liberal]], Portugal [[Centre for Democracy and Free Enterprise]], Czech Republic [[Centre for Economic Development]], Bulgaria [[Centre for Economic Development]], Slovakia [[Centre for Economics and Politics]], Czech Republic [[Centre for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development]], Montenegro [[Centre for European Reform]], UK [[Centre for Institutional Analysis and Development]] [[Centre for Liberal Strategies]], Bulgaria [[Centre for Liberal-Democratic Studies]], Serbia [[Centre for Policy Studies]], UK [[Centre for Political Thought]], Poland [[Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies]], UK [[Centre for Social and Economic Research]], Poland [[Centre for the New Europe]] [[Centre for the Study of Democracy]], Bulgaria [[Centro Einaudi]], Italy [[Cercles Liberaux]], France [[CIDAS]], Italy [[Civic Institute]], Czech Republic [[Civita]], Norway [[Civitas|CIVITAS]], United Kingdom [[Conservative Institute of M. R. Stefanik]], Slovakia [[Council on Public Policy]], Germany [[David Hume Institute]], United Kingdom [[E.G. West Centre]], UK [[Economic Policy Research Institute]], Macedonia [[Ekome]], Greece [[Eudoxa]], Sweden [[Euro 92 (think tank)]], France [[European Ideas Network]], Brussels [[European Independent Institute]], The Netherlands [[EVA (think tank)]], Finland [[F. A. v. Hayek Institute]], Austria [[Fondazione Luigi Einaudi]], Italy [[Foundation for Market Economy]], Hungary [[Frédéric Bastiat Stichting]], The Netherlands [[Free Market Centre]], Serbia [[Freedom Institute]], Ireland [[Friedrich Naumann Stiftung]], Germany [[Friedrich von Hayek Gesellschaft]], Germany [[Fundacio Catalunya Oberta]], Spain [[Fundacion Internacional para la Libertad]] (FIL), Spain [[Gdansk Institute for Market Economics]], Poland [[Hayek Foundation]], Russia [[Hayek Foundation]], Slovakia [[Hayek Society]], Hungary [[Hayek Society]], LSE, London [[Health Consumer Powerhouse]], Belgium [[Health Reform]], Czech Republic [[Hellenic Leadership Institute]] [[IFRAP]], France [[Independent Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Studies]], Belarus [[INEKO]], Slovakia [[Institut Constant de Rebecque]], Switzerland [[Institut Economique Molinari]], Belgium [[Institut Hayek]], Belgium [[Institut Karla Havlicka Borovskeho]], Czech Republic [[Institut Montaigne]], France [[Institut Turgot]], France [[Institute for Economic Studies Europe]], Aix-en-Provence [[Institute for Free Enterprise]], Germany [[Institute for Free Society]], Slovakia [[Institute for International Relations]], Croatia [[Institute for Market Economics]] (IME), Bulgaria [[Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognosis]], Montenegro [[Institute for Transistional Democracy and International Security]], Hungary [[Institute of Economic Affairs]], UK [[Institute of Economic Analysis]], Russia [[Institute of Economic Studies]], Iceland [[Institute of Economics]] (Ekonomski Institut), Croatia [[Instituto Juan de Mariana]], Spain [[Instytut Liberalno-Konserwatywny]], Poland [[International Centre for Economic Research]], Italy [[International Council for Capital Formation]], Brussels [[International Policy Network]], United Kingdom [[Istituto Acton]], Italy [[Istituto Bruno Leoni]], Italy [[Jaan Tonisson Institut]], Estonia [[Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies]], Israel [[Konrad Adenauer Foundation]], Germany [[Liberales Institut]], Switzerland [[Liberales]], Belgium [[Liberalni Institute]], Czech Republic [[Libertarian Alliance]], United Kingdom [[Libertas (think tank)]] [[Liberty Ideas]], Austria [[Lithuanian Free Market Institute]] [[Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe]], Brussels [[Ludwig von Mises Institute]], Romania [[M.E.S.A. 10]], Slovakia [[Magna Carta Foundation]], Italy [[New Economic School]], Georgia [[New Economics School]], Russia [[New Social Market Economy Foundation]], Germany [[Nova Civitas]], Belgium [[Nova Res Publica]], Italy [[Nurses for Reform]], created in 2006. [[Open Europe]], United Kingdom [[Open Republic Institute]] [[Poder Limitado]], Spain [[Policy Exchange]], United Kingdom [[Policy Institute]], United Kingdom [[Politeia]], United Kingdom [[Project Empowerment]], United Kingdom [[Ratio Institute]], Sweden [[Reform]], United Kingdom [[Riinvest Institute for Development Research]], Kosovo [[Romania Think Tank]] [[Romanian Centre for Economic Policies]] [[Sauvegarde Retraites (Save the Pensions)]], France [[Social Affairs Unit]], London [[Stiftung Marktwirtschaft]], Germany [[Taxpayers' Alliance]] [[Telders Foundation]], Netherlands [[The Copenhagen Institute]], Denmark [[Globalization Institute]], United Kingdom [[Think Tank for International Governance Research]], Austria [[Thomas More Institute]], Belgium [[Timbro]], Sweden [[Ukrainian Centre for Independent Political Research]] [[Venezie Institute]], Italy [[Walter Eucken Institut]], Germany
* [[Adam Smith Society]], Italy
* [[Adriatic Institute for Public Policy]]
* [[Albanian Liberal Institute]], Albania
* [[Anders Chydenius Foundation]], Finland
* [[Association for Liberal Thinking]], Turkey
* [[Association for Modern Economy]], Macedonia
* [[Avenir Suisse]], Switzerland
* [[Bertil Ohlin Institute]], Sweden
* [[Bulgaria Society for Individual Liberty]], Bulgaria
* [[Causa Liberal]], Portugal
* [[Centre for Democracy and Free Enterprise]], Czech Republic
* [[Centre for Economic Development]], Bulgaria
* [[Centre for Economic Development]], Slovakia
* [[Centre for Economics and Politics]], Czech Republic
* [[Centre for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development]], Montenegro
* [[Centre for European Reform]], UK
* [[Centre for Institutional Analysis and Development]]
* [[Centre for Liberal Strategies]], Bulgaria
* [[Centre for Liberal-Democratic Studies]], Serbia
* [[Centre for Policy Studies]], UK
* [[Centre for Political Thought]], Poland
* [[Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies]], UK
* [[Centre for Social and Economic Research]], Poland
* [[Centre for the New Europe]]
* [[Centre for the Study of Democracy]], Bulgaria
* [[Centro Einaudi]], Italy
* [[Cercles Liberaux]], France
* [[CIDAS]], Italy
* [[Civic Institute]], Czech Republic
* [[Civita]], Norway
* [[Civitas|CIVITAS]], United Kingdom
* [[Conservative Institute of M. R. Stefanik]], Slovakia
* [[Council on Public Policy]], Germany
* [[David Hume Institute]], United Kingdom
* [[E.G. West Centre]], UK
* [[Economic Policy Research Institute]], Macedonia
* [[Ekome]], Greece
* [[Eudoxa]], Sweden
* [[Euro 92 (think tank)]], France
* [[European Ideas Network]], Brussels
* [[European Independent Institute]], The Netherlands
* [[EVA (think tank)]], Finland
* [[F. A. v. Hayek Institute]], Austria
* [[Fondazione Luigi Einaudi]], Italy
* [[Foundation for Market Economy]], Hungary
* [[Frédéric Bastiat Stichting]], The Netherlands
* [[Free Market Centre]], Serbia
* [[Freedom Institute]], Ireland
* [[Friedrich Naumann Stiftung]], Germany
* [[Friedrich von Hayek Gesellschaft]], Germany
* [[Fundacio Catalunya Oberta]], Spain
* [[Fundacion Internacional para la Libertad]] (FIL), Spain
* [[Gdansk Institute for Market Economics]], Poland
* [[Hayek Foundation]], Russia
* [[Hayek Foundation]], Slovakia
* [[Hayek Society]], Hungary
* [[Hayek Society]], LSE, London
* [[Health Consumer Powerhouse]], Belgium
* [[Health Reform]], Czech Republic
* [[Hellenic Leadership Institute]]
* [[IFRAP]], France
* [[Independent Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Studies]], Belarus
* [[INEKO]], Slovakia
* [[Institut Constant de Rebecque]], Switzerland
* [[Institut Economique Molinari]], Belgium
* [[Institut Hayek]], Belgium
* [[Institut Karla Havlicka Borovskeho]], Czech Republic
* [[Institut Montaigne]], France
* [[Institut Turgot]], France
* [[Institute for Economic Studies Europe]], Aix-en-Provence
* [[Institute for Free Enterprise]], Germany
* [[Institute for Free Society]], Slovakia
* [[Institute for International Relations]], Croatia
* [[Institute for Market Economics]] (IME), Bulgaria
* [[Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognosis]], Montenegro
* [[Institute for Transistional Democracy and International Security]], Hungary
* [[Institute of Economic Affairs]], UK
* [[Institute of Economic Analysis]], Russia
* [[Institute of Economic Studies]], Iceland
* [[Institute of Economics]] (Ekonomski Institut), Croatia
* [[Instituto Juan de Mariana]], Spain
* [[Instytut Liberalno-Konserwatywny]], Poland
* [[International Centre for Economic Research]], Italy
* [[International Council for Capital Formation]], Brussels
* [[International Policy Network]], United Kingdom
* [[Istituto Acton]], Italy
* [[Istituto Bruno Leoni]], Italy
* [[Jaan Tonisson Institut]], Estonia
* [[Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies]], Israel
* [[Konrad Adenauer Foundation]], Germany
* [[Liberales Institut]], Switzerland
* [[Liberales]], Belgium
* [[Liberalni Institute]], Czech Republic
* [[Libertarian Alliance]], United Kingdom
* [[Libertas (think tank)]]
* [[Liberty Ideas]], Austria
* [[Lithuanian Free Market Institute]]
* [[Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe]], Brussels
* [[Ludwig von Mises Institute]], Romania
* [[M.E.S.A. 10]], Slovakia
* [[Magna Carta Foundation]], Italy
* [[New Economic School]], Georgia
* [[New Economics School]], Russia
* [[New Social Market Economy Foundation]], Germany
* [[Nova Civitas]], Belgium
* [[Nova Res Publica]], Italy
* [[Nurses for Reform]], created in 2006.
* [[Open Europe]], United Kingdom
* [[Open Republic Institute]]
* [[Poder Limitado]], Spain
* [[Policy Exchange]], United Kingdom
* [[Policy Institute]], United Kingdom
* [[Politeia]], United Kingdom
* [[Project Empowerment]], United Kingdom
* [[Ratio Institute]], Sweden
* [[Reform]], United Kingdom
* [[Riinvest Institute for Development Research]], Kosovo
* [[Romania Think Tank]]
* [[Romanian Centre for Economic Policies]]
* [[Sauvegarde Retraites (Save the Pensions)]], France
* [[Social Affairs Unit]], London
* [[Stiftung Marktwirtschaft]], Germany
* [[Taxpayers' Alliance]]
* [[Telders Foundation]], Netherlands
* [[The Copenhagen Institute]], Denmark
* [[Globalization Institute]], United Kingdom
* [[Think Tank for International Governance Research]], Austria
* [[Thomas More Institute]], Belgium
* [[Timbro]], Sweden
* [[Ukrainian Centre for Independent Political Research]]
* [[Venezie Institute]], Italy
* [[Walter Eucken Institut]], Germany
== People ==
== People ==

Revision as of 08:38, 11 February 2010

The Stockholm Network is a working group of European market-oriented think-tanks. It has two primary objectives: to build a wide network of pro-market policy specialists within Europe and to use that network to influence the future direction of European policy-making on issues of pan-European importance. It was founded in 1997 in London and Stockholm.

On its website the groups states that it "brings together more than 110 market-oriented think tanks from across Europe, giving us the capacity to deliver local messages and locally-tailored global messages across the EU and beyond." [1]

Writing in The Times in December 2005, Paul Staines wrote that the Stockholm Network, "turns out to be in fact the public face of Market House International, a PR consultancy that tells corporate clients that the network gives it "local capacity to deliver both local messages and locally tailored global messages in a wide range of countries"." [2]

What topics we discuss:

The Network is interested in ideas which stimulate economic growth and help people to help themselves. We promote policies which create the social and economic conditions for a free society. These include:

  • Reforming European welfare states and creating a more flexible labour market.
  • Creating competition and choice in healthcare, through reform of European health systems and markets.
  • Creating a market in which world class education can flourish.
  • Emphasisng the benefits of globalisation and creating an understanding of free market ideas.



The Stockholm Network does not have a board and is owned and run by Helen Disney


Contact, References and Resources

Contact information

35 Britannia Row
London, N1 8QH
United Kingdom
Email: info@ stockholm-network.org
Phone: +44 (0)20 7354 8888
Fax: +44 (0)20 7359 8888
Web: www.stockholm-network.org

External links
